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Showing posts with label Forbidden Romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forbidden Romance. Show all posts
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Review: Honey Cut by Sierra Simone

Honey Cut by Sierra Simone by Sierra Simone is LIVE! Check out my spoiler-free review below. This MMF review is HOT!

Honey Cut by Sierra Simone book cover


I have one job in this arranged marriage, and that’s to seduce my husband.

It should be easy; I’m the heiress to a transatlantic fortune, bred and raised to make a good match.  I’ve spent a lifetime building up my endurance, my discipline, my dedication to my god and my church. The danger lies in falling for the devil who put his ring on my finger—a mistake I made years ago, and can’t afford to make again.

There is one more danger: handsome and green-eyed, emotionally wounded.  Tristan Thomas, former soldier and my new husband’s bodyguard.  A hero who stole my heart with salt-soaked kisses on the sea.

But Lyonesse is not like other places, and this isn’t like other marriages. Soon Tristan, Mark, and I are tangled in a knot of vicious jealousy and gorgeous wickedness, where suspicion is an aphrodisiac and secrets and vows are one and the same.

And there is something far darker at play than my real purpose, than the machinations of the Church I serve.  Darker even than the twisted longings of my own heart. Because my husband has secrets of his own, and the reason he’ll stop at nothing to possess me could slice my soul deeper than the honeysuckle-hilted knife he gave me once upon a time.

Because when it comes to Mark Trevena and his games, the first cut is more than the deepest—it’s the sweetest

And he always leaves you begging for more…

Spoiler-free review of Honey Cut

Honey Cut (Lyonesse, #2)Honey Cut by Sierra Simone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Honey Cut (Lyonesse Book 2) by Sierra Simone is a must-read. This book transcends the four "s's" of romance—smutty, sexy, spicy, and steamy. Honey Cut is much more than just a spicy book. It's a masterpiece where Sierra weaves an intricate web of secret societies, unrequited love, and kink in this MMF romance. This book is lyrical sex dust, tugging at your heart while heating up your Kindle screen. Honey Cut's cliffhanger ending left me begging for more. I highly recommend reading the Lyonesse trilogy in order. You don't want to miss Mark, Tristan, and Isolde's debaucherous backstory in Salt Kiss (Lyonesse Book 1). Read this book in public if you dare. Chef's kiss!

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Start the series:

Read the Lyonesse Prequel, Salt in the Wound, for FREE 

Tropes: Anti-hero. Age gap. Arranged marriage 

Salt Kiss (Lyonesse Book 1):

Sierra Simone on Kindle Crack

About the Author: 

Sierra Simone is a USA Today Bestselling former librarian (who spent too much time reading romance novels at the information desk.) She lives with her husband and family in Kansas City.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Review: June First by Jennifer Hartmann is LIVE!

June First by Jennifer Hartmann is LIVE and FREE to read in Kindle Unlimited.  You need to one-click this forbidden romance. Check out my spoiler-free review below.  

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June First by Jennifer Hartmann Kindle


Want to know what happens to a man who barely claws his way out of a tragedy, only to fall right into the arms of the one girl in the world he can never have?


Another tragedy, that's what.


When I was six years old, my father made a choice that altered the course of my entire life.

Because of what he did, the only girl I ever loved became the only girl I couldn’t have.


In a lot of ways, I did have her… I had her first steps, her first words, her first smile. I had her milestones, her heartbreaks, her dreams. I had her heart so woven in with mine, I didn’t know where she ended, and I began.


Only, as the years pressed on, lines became blurred—and the blurrier the line, the easier it is to cross.


They say tragedy comes in threes.

For me, that was true.

The first one changed me, the second one broke me, and the third one healed me.


But at the center of all that tragedy… there is a love story. And at the center of that love story, There is June.

Review of June First by Jennifer Hartmann

June FirstJune First by Jennifer Hartmann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

June First by Jennifer Hartmann is the epitome of Kindle Crack. This emotion-packed, coming of age and forbidden romance was unputdownable. Jennifer pulled on every last heartstring and wrung out every single possible emotion. Brant and June’s unconventional romance was perfectly imperfect. Their unique story tested family bonds, friendship, love, loss, and tragedy. Go into this book blind. June First is going on my Best of 2022 romance book list.

It’s official, Jennifer Hartman is going on my auto-one-click list!

June First by Jennifer Hartmann Kindle Crack

Meet Jennifer: 
Jennifer Hartmann image

Jennifer Hartmann resides in northern Illinois with her devoted husband and three hooligans. When she is not writing angsty love stories, she is likely thinking about writing them. She enjoys sunsets (because mornings are hard), bike riding, traveling, binging Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns, and that time of day when coffee gets replaced by wine. Jennifer is a wedding photographer with her husband. She is also excellent at making puns and finding inappropriate humor in mundane situations. She loves tacos. She also really, really wants to pet your dog. Xoxo.



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Thursday, March 31, 2022

New Amazon Romance Book: Don't Speak by Dyan Layne

Don't Speak by Dyan Layne is LIVE and FREE to read using Amazon's Kindle Unlimited.  Check out my spoiler-free review of this spicy stepbrother romance. This book is a standalone/no cliffhanger. 

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don't speak by dyan layne kindlecrack read free

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The heart always knows what it wants.

Molly wants him. He wants her.

She loves him the mostest. Aidan loves her more.

Even though he shouldn’t.

He’s heard the whispers.

Nothing but a tragedy.

A freak who hasn’t spoken since he was five.

And her stepbrother.

The heart always knows what it wants.

He loved her anyway.

But their world isn’t safe.

Nightmares are real. The boogeyman exists.

And somewhere, he’s still out there.


Spoiler-free Review of Don't Speak by Dyan Layne:

Don't SpeakDon't Speak by Dyan Layne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“It wasn’t wrong to think about her, was it? She’s your sister. Not by blood, but it didn’t matter anyway. Molly could never be his, though he secretly wished that someday, when they were older, that she could.”

Don’t Speak, by Dyan Layne shredded my heart and put it back together again in the end. This forbidden stepbrother romance was equally addictive and unputdownable. Aidan and Molly were perfectly imperfect characters in a heartbreaking situation dealing with childhood trauma and loss. Go into this story blind and experience all the feels. I didn’t want this story to end and wished it wasn’t a standalone. It was that good! One-click worthy.

Don't Speak by Dyan Layne Kindle Crack 

About Dyan: 

Dyan Layne is a nurse boss by day and the writer of edgy sensual tales by night—and on weekends. Serenity, the first book in the Red Door series, is her debut novel. She's never without her Kindle, and can usually be found tapping away at her keyboard with a hot latte and a cold Dasani Lime--and sometimes champagne. She can't sing a note, but often answers in song because isn't there a song for just about everything? Born and raised a Chicago girl, she currently lives in Tampa, Florida, and is the mother of four handsome sons and a beautiful daughter, who are all grown up now, but can still make her crazy--and she loves it that way! Because normal is just so boring.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Check out this SNEAK PEEK for Well Played!

Excited about Vi Keeland & Penelope Ward’s upcoming release, Well Played?  You should be!  Check out this excerpt and my spoiler-free review. October 25th release! Enter for a chance to win an ebook copy NOW and read it EARLY!  ENTER at KCBR on INSTAGRAM.

Download the ebook for FREE NOW



Well Played by Vi Keeland & Penelope Ward Cover on Kindle Crack


Title: Well Played

Authors: Vi Keeland & Penelope Ward

Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance

Release Date: October 25, 2021



Harper picked up the notebook that contained my to-do list from the table and opened to a fresh page. Clicking the pen open, she scribbled across the top.

To do with Levi

I chuckled. “Are we making a dirty to-do list?”

She wiggled her eyebrows and put the pen to the paper. “We certainly are.” “Tell me one thing you fantasize about doing with him.”

Yep, I was definitely drunk, because sober me wouldn’t have participated in this. Though, even in this state, I felt my cheeks blush. “Well, every day he goes out back and does pull-ups in that big oak tree. Sometimes I imagine he’s naked while doing them, and then I walk out naked, too. I wrap myself around him like a koala and he’s a tree, and he keeps doing the pull-ups. Hoisting us both up and down.”

Harper smirked. “Nice start.” She then jotted down koala pull-ups. “What else you got?”

“Well, I also have this running fantasy that I’m watching him do the pull-ups from my bedroom window with binoculars, and then I lie down on the bed and…you know…go to town on myself. And when I’m just about to orgasm, I look up at the window and see Levi with the binoculars. He’s watching me masturbate from outside.”

“Oooh… I like that one.” Harper wrote down voyeur masturbation.

For the next half hour, we polished off our spiked lemonades, laughed a lot, and added more than a dozen sexual to-do tasks to my list. It was the most fun I’d had in ages. But Harper had to fly home in the morning, and I didn’t want her to have a raging hangover. So rather than make another pitcher of spiked lemonade, I grabbed her a water bottle and some Motrin and told her to drink up before going to bed.

But as I walked around and shut off the lights, another fantasy hit me. “That peach cobbler we had for dessert at the restaurant was orgasmic, wasn’t it?”

“It sure was.”

I pointed to the notepad. “Sit on Levi’s face while eating that pie.”

Harper had been drinking water and spit it out all over the place. “Oh my God. That is most definitely going on the list!” She picked up the pen and spoke while jotting something down. “Double orgasmic peach cobbler.”

We started to crack up, but a knock interrupted our laughter. At least it interrupted mine. I looked up to find Levi standing in the doorway to the living room.

My eyes widened. “Levi… What are you doing here?”

His brows lifted. “I own half the place.”

“No, I meant I didn’t know you were back.”

He looked between Harper and me and seemed to smirk. “Oh, I’m back.”

My palms started to sweat. “I didn’t hear you come in. How long have you been…standing there?”

Levi tilted his head, and his smirk elevated to a cocky smile. “Not too long.”

Oh my God. I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. What if he heard? I suddenly felt pretty damn sober. “Umm…well, this is my friend Harper. She’s leaving early tomorrow, so we were just going to bed.”

He nodded. “Nice to meet you, Harper.”

Harper stood and hiccupped. She covered her grinning mouth. “Nice to meet you, too. Your family’s inn is beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

Her eyes shifted to me. “Although there’s a lot to do around here. Presley and I made a list. You might want to take a look at it and get going on some of the new to-do tasks we added.”

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head, and I lunged for the notebook on the table.

Levi squinted at me. “Everything okay, Presley? You seem stressed.”

“I’m fine!”

He nodded slowly. “Right.”

“Alright….” I grabbed Harper’s arm and tugged. “We’re going to bed. Welcome home.”

Levi never moved from the living room doorway as he watched me drag my friend out of the room.

Harper waved over her shoulder. “’Night, Levi. Enjoy your to-do list!”

Somehow I managed to get Harper to her room without her yelling anything too obscene. But for the next half hour, I lay in my bed with my heart pounding. What if he’d heard us? What if he’d been standing there listening the entire time? Oh my God. I covered my face with my hands. The things I said I wanted to do to him. My head began to ache, and tomorrow’s hangover hadn’t even started yet.

After another twenty minutes of lying there freaking out in the dark, my mouth was so parched that I needed a bottle of water. But there was no way I wanted to run into Levi again. So I cracked open my bedroom door and listened for any sounds of someone moving out in the common area. Finding it quiet, I snuck down the hall and peered around the corner to see if any lights were still on. They weren’t, so I breathed a sigh of relief and went to the kitchen for a drink.

I guzzled half a bottle of water before turning to slink back to my bedroom. But I froze at the sight of Levi standing in the kitchen doorway. My hand flew up to cover my racing heart. “Oh my God. You scared me.”

“Sorry. I was just going to head out to grab a bite to eat.”

“Oh…there are leftovers from lunch in the fridge, if you want. I made chicken pot pies this morning.”

Levi held my eyes for a moment. “Thanks, but I think I’m going to go out.” He walked over and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “I have a real hankering for peach cobbler.”




My jaw dropped to the ground. I had no idea what to do or say.

Levi winked as he walked to the door. “Get some sleep. I wouldn’t want you to be too tired to work on that to-do list.”



Excited?  We are too!



Please note: There will not be an Amazon ebook pre-order, but it will be available on Amazon in Kindle Unlimited on release day.


Sign up for Vi and Penelope’s mailing list now and be the first one notified when it goes live!


Spoiler-free Review of Well Played

Well PlayedWell Played by Vi Keeland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, my heart! I want to scream from my rooftop about Well Played, by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward. Since I'm not going to go up on my roof like a lunatic, I'm going to scream about this book from the comfort of my laptop. I didn't expect ALL OF THE FEELS! Vi and Penelope dialed up feels, heat (thanks for steaming up my Kindle screen), and fun! This all-consuming, forbidden romance is both addictive and intoxicating. 

I've said this before, and I'll say it again and again, Vi and Penelope make it impossible to not fall in love with their characters and their co-authored books. I'm happily addicted to their writing! Well Played is 110% Kindle Crack. I'm book buzzed from Levi and Presley.  Well Played is on my Best of 2021 Book List. 

"That was better than any touchdown or Super Bowl win."

As a reader, I felt like I won the Super Bowl after reading this book. I hugged my Kindle. 

Well Played by Vi Keeland & Penelope Ward Video Kindle Crack



Vi Keeland is a #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author. With millions of books sold, her titles are currently translated in twenty-six languages and have appeared on bestseller lists in the US, Germany, Brazil, Bulgaria, and Hungary. Three of her short stories have been turned into films by Passionflix, and two of her books are currently optioned for movies. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living out her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six.


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Penelope Ward is a New York Times, USA Today and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author of contemporary romance.


She grew up in Boston with five older brothers and spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor. Penelope resides in Rhode Island with her husband, son, and beautiful daughter with autism.


With over two million books sold, she is a 21-time New York Times bestseller and the author of over twenty novels. Her books have been translated into over a dozen languages and can be found in bookstores around the world.



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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Forbidden To Love by Siobhan Davis is Live!

Forbidden To Love, an all-new dark, forbidden romance set in the same world as Condemned to Love by USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Siobhan Davis, is available now! Check out my spoiler-free review below.  You can read this mafia romance book for free using Kindle Unlimited

Forbidden to Love by Siobhan Davis on Kindle Crack


Natalia Mazzone has grown up knowing she is promised to a made man. As the only daughter of one of New York’s most powerful mafia dons, she knows she can’t refuse. It’s her duty, and she would never dishonor her beloved father.

But the man she’s promised to is a monster. And there is nothing but torture, pain, and heartache lying in wait.

So, she grabs happiness when she finds it—in the somewhat reluctant arms of Leonardo Messina.

Leo is her brother’s best friend. A soldato for the Mazzone famiglia. A man with strong ambition and an even stronger resolve. He won’t allow them to give in to temptation, so Natalia is forced to love him from afar.

Until one forbidden night changes everything, and she readily hands Leo the key to her heart.

Leo risked everything for the one woman he can never have. He doesn’t regret it. It saved Natalia from a life of hell, but his actions set her on a different course.

One that doesn’t involve him.

Years have passed, and his feelings remain the same. Yet he keeps his distance, dedicating himself to his new role as underboss to Bennett Mazzone, while the love of his life is married to another man.

Until a twist of fate puts Natalia in his path again, and this time, he is powerless to resist.


Grab your copy today!

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Spoiler-Free Review

Forbidden to LoveForbidden to Love by Siobhan Davis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Forbidden to Love by Siobhan Davis is mafia romance perfection. This second chance, forbidden romance, was unputdownable! Nat and Leo, who were also in Condemned to Love, find themselves caught up in a wicked web of love, loyalty and lies. I loved Nat and Leo’s story and didn’t want it to end!

Siobhan’s books are my new catnip, and I can’t stop coming back for more. Forbidden to Love had the perfect amount of twists and turns, as well as enough steam, angst, and suspense to make this book a solid page-turner. This book is a total standalone. You do not need to read Condemned to Love first to enjoy FTL (but read it since it’s equally as good). Siobhan has another standalone in this series coming out in November. One-click-worthy and total Kindle Crack!

About Siobhan

Siobhan Davis Photo Image Kindle Crack

Siobhan Davis is a USA Today, Wall Street Journal and Amazon Top 10 bestselling romance author. Siobhan writes emotionally intense stories with swoon-worthy romance, complex characters, and tons of unexpected plot twists and turns that will have you flipping the pages beyond bedtime! She has sold over 1.5 million books and her titles are translated into several languages.

Prior to becoming a full-time writer, Siobhan forged a successful corporate career in human resource management.

She lives in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Sinner or Saint? Check out my review!

Saint by Sierra Simone is LIVE!  Check out my spoiler-free review of Saint, the third full-length, STANDALONE novel in the Priest collection.  This forbidden MM romance is not to be missed. 

Saint by Sierra Simone book cover Kindle Crack
Cover Image: Stevan Reyes

Cover Model: Zachary Ledrew

Cover Design: Hang Le

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Other Books in this series of standlalones:




I can’t have Elijah Iverson.

I can’t have him because he’s my older brother’s best friend. I can’t have him because I broke his heart five years ago; because he’s now engaged to someone else—someone kind and dependable who deserves his whiskey eyes, his soft mouth, his fierce intellect.

I can’t have Elijah because I’ve chosen God instead.

The Bell brothers, though . . . well, we don't exactly have the greatest track record with vows. But I’m determined to do this monk thing right—to pledge myself to a cloistered life and spend the rest of my years in chastity and prayer. But now Elijah’s here. He’s here and he’s coming with me on my European monastery road trip, and between the whispered confessions and the stolen kisses and the moments bent over an ancient altar, my vows are feeling flimsier by the day.

And vows or not, I know in my heart that it would take more than a good and holy monk to resist Elijah Iverson right now. It would take a saint.

And we all know that I’m no saint.

(This is the third full-length standalone in the Priest Collection, featuring Father Bell's brother, Aiden Bell.  You do not have to read Priest or Sinner to read Saint.)

Saint (Priest, #3)Saint by Sierra Simone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Saint, by Sierra Simone, is sinfully seductive and deliciously wicked. Holy hell, this book was totally forbidden and heartbreakingly beautiful. Elijah and Aiden's emotion-packed second chance romance is a one-of-a-kind journey of the heart and soul. Their relationship is equally complicated and filled with many choices leading down the path of many "what ifs."

While reading Saint, I felt like a fly on the wall at a seminary school getting educated on all aspects of the monastic rules of life. The life of a monk isn't all that exciting unless your hot ex-boyfriend who you dumped shows up. Aiden, who finds himself at a crossroads in life, must confront the demons of his past in order to move forward mentally and physically.

Sierra's writing is at another level. She is truly a master wordsmith, and I'm praying for more books to follow in the Priest collection. One-click worthy!

Saint by Sierra Simone Kindle Crack Book Reviews Video

Sierra Simone on Kindle Crack

Sierra Simone is a USA Today Bestselling former librarian (who spent too much time reading romance novels at the information desk.) She lives with her husband and family in Kansas City.

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