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Monday, November 30, 2015

COVER REVEAL - On Solid Ground by K.L. Grayson

Today we’re revealing the cover of K.L. Grayson’s On Solid Ground! I am so excited to share this gorgeous new cover with you! On Solid Ground is a novella in the Touch of Fate series and will be releasing January 5th! 

About On Solid Ground: 
June 5, 2008 I made a mistake of epic proportions. Moving home was an easy choice because I knew that I had to make things right. I had hoped to win back Harley’s friendship, but I never imagined that I’d win her heart … or the heart of her son. Now that I have, I’m never letting them go. They’re my life, the reason I breathe. We’ve worked hard to get where we are, and we’re finally standing on solid ground. 
Or so I thought … 


Tyson’s ex-fiancĂ© wasn’t supposed to move back to St. Louis … that wasn’t part of the plan. And she sure as hell wasn’t supposed to start working with him. I trust him—at least I think I do—but when secrets are being kept and things start to unravel, I’m left wondering if I made a mistake. I allowed myself to fall in love with the only man to ever break my heart. 
And now I’m afraid he might break it again … 

This is a Harley and Tyson Touch of Fate Novella and can be read after book #1 or book #2 but should not be read as a standalone.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon Canada

Read the series now! 
Where We Belong  | Pretty Pink Ribbons 

About K.L. Grayson: 

K.L. Grayson resides in a small town outside of St. Louis, MO.  She is entertained daily by her extraordinary husband, who will forever inspire every good quality she writes in a man.  Her entire life rests in the palms of six dirty little hands, and when the day is over and those pint-sized cherubs have been washed and tucked into bed, you can find her typing away furiously on her computer.  She has a love for alpha-males, brownies, reading, tattoos, sunglasses, and happy endings…and not particularly in that order. 

IG: @booksbyklgrayson

Sunday, November 29, 2015

This is a must read & only 99 cents!

I promise you will thank me after you one-click and read this one. Jacked by Tina Reber is on sale for one day only!  Don't miss this sale. Check out my review below.

GET IT FOR 99 CENTS - Amazon:



We all have skeletons in our closets. 

Doctor Erin Novak was only sixteen when she was accused of a crime she didn’t commit. Since that moment, she has made it her life goal to pursue emergency medicine, pouring her heart and soul into assuring another innocent life isn’t lost to the hands of the wicked. 

We all have secrets we’ve never shared. 

Detective Adam Trent has lost control of everything, starting with losing his partner to a punk with a gun and then everything else to the crushing guilt. Now a member of the elite Auto Theft Task Force in Philadelphia, it’s his job to be one step ahead of the criminals stealing expensive cars in the city. Too bad the television cameras keep getting in the way of his investigation. 

We all have pasts that we can never escape. 

A stolen car, a tragic chase, and a traffic stop crosses the fates of these two, tying them together in ways that are unimaginable. As their love and trust grows, so do the enemies that threaten their survival, testing the strength of their commitment. Can true love endure half-truths, past pains, and secrets never meant to be shared? 

Some things are just out of our control.

Review of Jacked
Jacked (Trent Brothers, #1)Jacked by Tina Reber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Title: Jacked
Author: Tina Reber
Release Date: December 11, 2014
Rating: 5.00+ stars
Cliffhanger: No
Spoiler-free review

Tina Reber knocked it out of the park! I LOVE everything about this book...characters, plot, steam factor, etc. I feel like I played the book lottery and won the jackpot with this hot winter release! Be prepared to fall in love with Adam Trent and spend a sleepless night reading this 5+ star gem.

I am writing this mini review on two hours of sleep, and I will write a formal review later this week.

-I knew at 25% into this book that I was going to miss these characters when this book ended.

-At 47% - I read one of the hottest love scenes. It wasn't that it was super smutastic that made it nuclear. It was so intense and well-crafted with emotion.

-I woke up at 3am thinking about this book...and then I had to pick it up again. So here I am on 2 hrs of sleep, exhausted and need to do something about the book hangover I am nursing.

This book is long -- 563 pages. I didn't realize this until the end. It was that effing good. No cliffhanger -but we get a glimpse of the next Trent boy story.

By the way- I called dibs on Adam Trent as my book boyfriend.

This review appears on http//,, Goodreads, Amazon, Google+, Pinterest, and Twitter. A review copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for a honest review.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


99 cents
A Lover's by K.L. Grayson & BT Urruela (not to miss miliary romance)

Music of the Heart by Katie Ashley (rock romance)

Rock Star by Ginger Voight - (LOVE THIS BOOK)

Sweet Obsession by J.Daniels - (standalone)

Nuts (The Hudson Valley Series) Alice Clayton - $1.99 (reg $7.99)

Hustle by Ashley Claudy - (NEW)

HARD by Cheryl McIntyre -

Eighteen (18): Based on a True Story by J.A. Huss - FIVE STAR TABOO ROMANCE (New)

Pretend You're Mine: A Small Town Love Story by Lucy Score (getting great reviews)-

Accepting Cherry by Chrissy Snyder - (NEW)

Vegas Love by Jillian Dodd - (NEW standalone)

Sweet Addiction by J. Daniels - 
Forever & Always by Jasinda Wilder -

Over 99 cents and on sale!
Sweet Addiction (ALL THREE BOOKS in a set) for $1.98

Second Chance Summer $1.99 (Reg $7.99) by Jill Shalvis

Kindle Fire ereader for $35.00 -
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Cover Reveal for SAVED BY HIM by Michelle Horst

SAVED BY HIM, A Monster Novel by Michelle Horst is coming DEC 7th



I'm only good for sex.
That’s what I've been trained for my whole life.
I'm a puppet.
I only know how to be your perfect fantasy.
It’s the only life I’ve ever known.
…until him.


I protect.
That’s all I know.
I’m the best at my job.
Life is fucked up, that's my reality. 
…until her.

Authors Note and WARNING: Monster is a work of fiction intended for adult readers above 18. It contains dark and sensitive subject matter that may make readers uncomfortable. 
Contains explicit language and descriptions of sexual situations.

NEW RELEASE: King & Tyrant Limited Edition Box Set by T.M. Frazier

King and Pup are back in this Limited Edition Box Set
 T.M. Frazier!  
Paperback Amazon:

King: Homeless. Hungry. Desperate. Doe has no memories of who she is or where she comes from. A notorious career criminal just released from prison, King is someone you don’t want to cross unless you’re prepared to pay him back in blood, sweat, sex or a combination of all three. King’s future hangs in the balance. Doe’s is written in her past. When they come crashing together, they will have to learn that sometimes in order to hold on, you have to first let go. Tyrant: I. Remember. Everything. But the relief I thought I would feel never comes, and I’m more afraid now than I was the morning I woke up handcuffed in King’s bed. Because with the truth comes dark secrets I was never meant to know. I will put the lives of those I love most at risk if I let on that my memory has returned, or if I seek help from the heavily tattooed felon who owns me body and soul. I don’t know if I’m strong enough to resist the magnetic pull toward King that grows stronger every day. He’s already saved me in more ways than one. Now it’s my turn to do whatever it takes to save him. Even if that means marrying someone else…

King Excerpt

Tattooing Doe was the single most erotic moment of my life. Marking her perfect, pale skin with a tattoo I'd designed for her made me so fucking hard I had to adjust myself every thirty seconds in order to concentrate on my work.
When I was done, I handed her the hand mirror, and she walked over to the full-sized mirror that hung on the back of the door, like she'd seen dozens of my other clients do before. When she held up the hand mirror, she gasped.
"What?" I asked in a panic, hoping she didn't already see what I'd hidden in the tattoo. I was an asshole for putting it there. I was an asshole for tattooing her in the first place.
I was just an asshole.
But I couldn't help myself. My name needed to be on her. It wasn’t enough just to call her mine. I needed to mark her as well. So hidden in the vine work under the quote I found that I thought was perfect for her, was my name.
KING was woven into the design.  In order to see it you had to tilt your head or otherwise you wouldn't notice it. But it was there.
I would tell her eventually of course, but I wanted it to be my secret for a while. She'd stopped being my possession a while ago, a lot longer before I cared to admit, but I still felt the need to mark her as mine.
I still liked the idea of owning her.
Only now, she owned me, too.
She didn't notice the name. Tears filled her eyes. She stood there staring at the hand mirror in just her panties. Little cheeky ones where her ass hung out of the bottoms. Her tits were only inches from my face. Her tears of happiness made my dick twitch. Although her sad tears evoked the same response.
My dick wasn't partial to which kind of tears he liked. 
I took the mirror from her hand and lifted her up onto the counter. "You like it?" I asked, pushing her panties down her legs.
"I love it," she panted, wrapping her legs around me, drawing me close. Her wetness soaking my boxers. I pushed them down with one hand. I'd been hard for three hours, the entire time I’d been working on her, and couldn't wait any longer. I pushed inside her tight, wet heat.
We both moaned at the contact.
"You love it?" I asked, needing to hear her say it again.
"Yes, I love it!" she said as I thrust up into her, hard. "I love it. So much. I love you."
I froze when I heard the words, and when I did, her eyes flung open.
"I didn't mean—"
"Shut the fuck up."
"Oh my god, I have that word vomit thing. I’m sorry.  Shit, I just meant that—"
"Shut the fuck up!" I demanded, thrusting hard to get her attention. She closed her eyes, and her head fell back. "That's fucking better. Now, keep that pretty mouth of yours shut while I fuck you."
"Okay," she whispered, breathless.
"Shut up," I said again, and she closed her mouth. "Shut up so I can fuck you…and show you how much I love you."
She nodded and although her eyes stayed shut, a tear rolled down her cheek. I sucked it off her chin before it could fall to the floor. 
Then, I fucked her.
I showed her how much I loved her until I couldn't tell where I started and she began. Until all that was in that room was me and her and the thing between us that kept pulling us together like magnets. Until we were lost in sensations and orgasms.
And in each other.
I fucked her until we were one person, and in a way we were, because I'd lost myself along the way and I found myself again in the most unlikely place.
I'd found myself again in the haunted eyes of a girl who was just as lost as I was.
Or maybe, we didn't find each other at all.
Maybe, we just decided to be lost together.

About the Author
T.M. (Tracey Marie) Frazier resides in sunny Southwest Florida with her husband and three feisty fur kids. 

She attended Florida Gulf Coast University where she specialized in public speaking. After years working in real estate and new home construction, she decided it was finally time to stop pushing her dreams to the back burner and pursue writing seriously. 

In the third grade she wrote her very first story about a lost hamster. It earned rave reviews from both her teacher and her parents.

It only took her twenty years to start the next one.
It will not be about hamsters.

Stalk Her: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Goodreads.


Title: Anarchy Found 
SuperAlpha Series
By JA Huss
Genre: Superhero Romance
Publication date: December 2nd 2015
Visit the Super Alpha Website to check out the Alpha Men!:

Everyone needs a hero.
That’s what Detective Molly Masters tells me. “What we need,” she says, “what the whole world needs,” she pleads, “is a champion.”
The only thing I want to talk about with Molly Masters is how I’d like to make her scream my name when I push her up against a wall, slide my hand up her thigh, and live out my wildest fantasies.
“Someone who will fight against injustice,” she says.
I’ll fight against anything you want, honey. Just come a little closer.
“Someone who will stand tall in the face of adversity,” she says.
I’ll do it standing, sitting, or lying down. See how easy I am?
“Someone who believes in the value of a good deed,” she says.
I believe in the value of me, sweetheart. Because I’m Lincoln Wade. Jaded genius, obscenely wealthy, capable of violence, and looking for revenge.
Molly Masters might have delusions of grandeur. She might see me as some superman capable of cleaning up the scum, filth, and corruption in Cathedral City. 
But I’m not the hero she’s looking for.
I’m the dark alley where all her good intentions hide.
So be careful what you wish for, Molly Masters.
Because you’re about to get it.

This is a hand drawn cover by Ambro Jordi – watch him draw the main image in time-lapse here: 

Share link:

JA Huss is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.

You can chat with her on Facebook (, Twitter (@jahuss), and her kick-ass romance blog, New Adult Addiction (

If you're interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list ( and get those details delivered right to your inbox.

Author links:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Wedding of Molly O'Flaherty by Sierra Simone is LIVE - $50.00 Amazon Gift Card & Signed Giveaway!

The Wedding of Molly O'Flaherty
(The London Lovers Book 2)
Release Date: November 23rd


One empty bed.
One bold plan.
One tragedy that changes everything.
Silas Cecil-Coke is not a man who is easily dissuaded.  So when Molly leaves his bed without a word of goodbye, he is even more determined to save her from her enemies and claim her as his bride.  But neither of them are prepared for the betrayals and tragedies that await them before they can even approach the altar…
***The Wedding of Molly O’Flaherty is a 40,000 word novella and is the second of the London Lovers duet.  It is intended for mature audiences only.***


Purchase Link
Amazon ~

$50 Amazon Gift Card & Signed Paperback Omnibus of the London Lovers Series
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, November 20, 2015


I'm going to midnight mass on December 8th! 

Midnight Mass is a novella and a sequel to Priest!  Please make sure you read Priest first.

Release Day: December 8, 2015


We are told that God will punish the wicked.  That sinful men will reap what they sow.  We are told to scourge our souls with prayer and pain to become clean once again.

Well, here I am.  Wicked and sinful.  Desperate to become clean…even though it feels so good to be dirty.

But even I never expected what came next.

Even I never expected my punishment to come so soon.

***Midnight Mass is a novella and a sequel to Priest.  It’s intended for mature audiences only.***


Goodreads link:

Pre-Order Link
Amazon -

Did you read Priest?

Get it on Amazon

1 of 5 ARCS for Midnight Mass
a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

Sierra Simone is a former librarian who spent too much time reading romance novels at the information desk. She lives with her husband and family in Kansas City. 

Connect with Sierra




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Amazon Author Page:
Thursday, November 19, 2015

NEW RELEASE REVIEW: Freed by Him by GL Chapple

Title: Freed by Him
Series: Fighting Free Series
Author: GL Chapple 
Genre: Contemporary Romance / Suspense
Release date: November 19, 2015

He hurt me 
He broke me 
He almost destroyed me 
Nobody was ever going to do that to me again. I learnt to fight back. I made myself tougher, harder, stronger. I didn't want or need anyone.
Until Nate Masters.
Until he made me feel, want and need
Then my carefully constructed world began falling apart around me. Secrets shattering my faith in those closest to me and with the nightmare from my past pushing its way back into my present, I don't know how much strength I have left to fight with…
Could I trust him? Give someone the power to hurt me again? He's determined to break me free from behind my walls of self preservation
I'm just not sure I'm ready or willing to be Freed by Him....

Buy Links: 
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Amazon AUS:
Amazon CAN:

Freed by Him (Fighting Free, #1)Freed by Him by G.L. Chapple
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.00 - 4.50 stars
Spoiler-free review
Title: Freed By Him
Author: G.L Chapple
Release Date: November 19, 2015
Cliffhanger: Yes

Freed By Him is G.L Chapple debut book. I binge read this UK-based sexy, mystery romance. I loved Lena. She is strong, smart and independent. This character is no doormat. Then there's Nate, the alpha male cop who might be hiding something. There are a bunch of interesting sub-plots unraveling around a stalker or two, a sibling with a dark side, and an ex-girlfriend/boyfriend. Worth one-clicking! Brave G.L.C.

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon, Google+ and Twitter. A review copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Author Bio:  
I’m currently a SAHM to two little ones. I live in Wales in the UK and spend a huge amount of time at the beach, despite our climate…
I don’t drink any hot drinks despite trying my best to make myself like coffee! I love reading – obviously, writing and music, and hot sunny days which we never get enough of!  
I’ve dreamed of writing my whole life and would often pen short stories as a child. Unfortunately, life took over and reading and writing were forced to take a back seat for the last few years. Until my husband bought me a kindle last Christmas, and well, suddenly everything changed…


Author Page:


Instagram: gl_chapple

$50.00 Gift Card Giveaway & New Release Review: Crush by Kim Karr

The story continues, Will Love Conquer All?

CRUSH (Book 2) is NOW LIVE!  Check out my review & enter for a chance to win a $50.00 gift card!

The danger isn’t over.
It’s only just begun.
Circumstances brought them together and their undeniable connection won’t let them part. But when the past and the present collide, emotions run high—things are said, lines are crossed, and rules are broken. Both focused on crushing the enemy, the retribution is almost too much to bear. Still, there’s no undoing what has already been done, and every action has a consequence.

He loves her and she loves him, but love isn’t a shield.

Sometimes your only choice is the one you’d rather not make. Pushed to the limit, the tainted love of Logan and Elle is in jeopardy. With outside forces driving a wedge between them, they have to dig deep within their souls to release the ghosts of their pasts, and fight even harder for what neither knew they needed—each other.

Can love really conquer all?
#‎taintedlove‬ ‪#‎weshouldhaveknownbetter‬

Crush (The Tainted Love Duet, #2)Crush by Kim Karr
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.5 – 5.00 stars
Spoiler-free review
Title: Crush
Author: Kim Karr
Release Date: November 16, 2015
Cliffhanger: No

I loved Blow, but Crush was perfection. This sizzling hot sequel to Blow exceeded my expectations. Crush picked up where Blow left off without missing a beat. I loved all of the twists and turns that Kim skillfully embedded into this multilayered mafia suspense thriller. Crush had a few nail biting moments and enough steam to fog up my Kindle screen. What a great two-book story and a solid ending. Worth one-clicking!

This review appears on, Goodreads, Amazon, Google+ and Twitter. A review copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Get your copy at:

Haven’t read this series yet?  
An Undeniable Love
A Tainted Attraction
An Unforgettable Story
Find out what everyone is talking about in Blow (Book One)

View the Blow Book Trailer here:

Meet Kim Karr

I live in Florida with my husband and four kids. I've always had a love for reading books and writing. Being an English major in college, I wanted to teach at the college level but that was not to be. I went on to receive an MBA and became a project manager until quitting to raise my family. I currently work part-time with my husband and full-time embracing one of my biggest passions—writing. 

Stalk Her:  

Elle Sterling
The coolness of the night air had begun to set in. With the suddenly harsher wind, Lindsay and I both felt the chill and even in our heels, we hastened our pace.
As soon as we walked into the hotel suite, I was assaulted by the tang of a sticky, sweet scent. It was the smell of pot. Never one to try it myself, in my travels I’d come across many people who had. Moldy grass was how I’d always described the smell.
Lindsay shot me a glance and confirmed my suspicion.
Hard rock blared through the open space. The patio doors were open and I saw the back of two heads flopped on the lounge chairs. Even over the music, I heard laughter rumbling into the room. I was glad that at least Logan was upbeat.
Lindsay started for them and looked at me. “Shhh.”
I followed, keeping my mouth shut.
We both approached, eager to see our men, but stopped at the edge of door to watch them. They were playing cards and a baggie of pot was on the floor.
James had changed and was now wearing sleep pants and a T-shirt. He had a cigar gripped between his teeth while he tossed two piles of cards onto the table between them.
Logan was still in his suit pants but had removed everything else. Everything. Outside in his pants only, I wondered how he wasn’t freezing until I looked up and saw the heat lamps were on.
“Baby, you’re going to stink,” Lindsay said loudly, breaking the silence.
Both men jerked their heads back.
The smile that spread across Logan’s face was slow and seductive.
The sight of him dried my throat and made my heart pound. Right then I didn’t care about anything but comforting him through kisses.
Lindsay was still talking, saying something about the rancid smell of the cigar.
Me, I was already leaning over Logan and placing my lips very close to his. “Are you okay?”
“I am now.”
“You sure?”
He nodded and said, “Don’t listen to James. He likes to be a drama queen.”
“I heard that.”
Ignoring James, Logan gave me a single tug and pulled me onto his lap. I found myself provocatively straddling him. His cards fell to the floor, but I heard no one complain. And then his hands anchored my hips as his mouth attacked mine, while my hands gripped his shoulders for support.
“Where are your clothes?” I managed to ask.
The corners of his lips tilted up. “We had a small wrestling match and my shirt took the brunt of the action.”
I laughed.
Boys will be boys.
My dress had ridden up and if anyone was looking, they could see my panties. I just didn’t care enough right then to see what James and Lindsay were doing.
I should have cared. I should have cared just how inebriated or high Logan was. I should have, but his primal response to my presence did something to me that made me want to be what he needed. Made me want to be wild and free for once in my entire life.
Maybe it was the Lindsay effect.
His kiss traveled from the corner of my mouth, along my jaw, to my throat.
My hands moved higher to toy with his hair behind his neck.
His teeth were sharp as they skidded across my skin, but the soft heat from his tongue soothed the burn.
I turned my head to give him full access, and that was when I saw Lindsay’s head moving towards James’s lap.
Again, I should have cared, but I just didn’t.
I wasn’t sure if Logan noticed, but he turned my chin to look at him. “We should go home,” he slurred. The way his eyes flickered over me so intensely made the idea of waiting for a cab and then riding home in one seem like it would take a lifetime.
With my hands flat on his bare chest, I found myself scooting up his body, stopping only when the soft fabric of my wet panties aligned perfectly with the tented fabric of his slacks. “I want you now,” I whispered.
Logan’s tongue flicked out to wet his lips. “I’m drunk, probably not the best idea.”
I raised myself ever so slightly and lowered my body, making the most exquisite contact with his erection. “I’m not and you seem just fine.”
His hand stroked my hair and pulled out the clip holding it up. “You want this? Here?”
My breath was wild. My nipples taut. My clit was pulsing. I realized I was excited. “Yes, I want you to take me here.”
His gaze slid to the side and so did mine. James was thrusting into Lindsay’s mouth. “James!” Logan shouted.
A grunt was his only reply.
“Hurry up and get the fuck inside, will you.”
Again, a grunt was his response.
Logan’s attention back on me, his hands threaded through my hair and slid over my shoulders and down my arms to capture my hands. He pressed our palms together so that our fingers were linked and drew in a shuddering breath. “You’re so beautiful. You know that?”
“I love you.” I’m not sure why I felt compelled to tell him that, but the way he looked at me when I did made me feel like we’d both found true love in each other, and all the worries that messed with my thoughts evaporated as his gaze flared. All that mattered was him. Comforting him. Getting him through this. Being here—for him.
He brought me to him with a hand to the back of my head, holding me in place while he kissed me breathless, maybe hard enough that he might have bruised my mouth.
Again, I didn’t care.
The kiss went on and on and when he finally pulled away, I hadn’t had nearly enough of him. It was when my eyes fell to the bag of joints on the ground that I realized Logan did not taste of thyme or moldy grass or smell like skunk, and I was a little glad that he hadn’t gotten high. I had a feeling he had struggled with drugs during his life and with my own father being an alcoholic, I was all too familiar with the claim that addictive habits were hereditary.
Another sideways glance on his part had my gaze following. “Finally,” he muttered. The lounge beside us was now empty, as was the living area. James and Lindsay must have gone into the bedroom. Logan must have been waiting for them to leave.
Knowing we were alone, lust won out over good sense and I stood and stripped myself naked.
Logan drew in a shuddering breath and stood as well, shedding his pants and underwear quickly.
I stared at him, naked and beautiful, and licked my lips. That card I’d seen in the store came to mind. Just because my issues might never allow me to be submissive didn’t mean I couldn’t be the dominant type.
He held out his hand for me to take it and instead I pointed to a chair next to the lounger. “Sit down.”
“Don’t you want to go inside?” he asked.
I shook my head. “No, sit down.”
He raised a brow.
I kept my finger pointed.
No one could see us up this high and with the heat lamps on, something about fucking outside felt incredibly erotic.
A slow, seductive smile spread across his lips, and as he sat his eyes looked like dark flames. The hazel was gone, replaced by dilated pupils that bled pure lust.
Since I was already drenched, he easily slid inside me as I sat on his cock.
The sensation of him filling me made me shout out, and Logan wasn’t exactly quiet himself. I heard pleasurable groans escape his throat.
This was what we both needed.
Each other.
I just hoped it would be like this forever.
My hands were not bound but they gripped the chair, my back was to his chest, and my legs were spread wide. I was open to him. Fully and completely open to him. In this position, I was his to do with whatever he pleased.
It was then I realized that in our relationship we didn’t need a dominant or a submissive. We only needed each other.
And as his palm found my breast and his fingers pressed against my clit, I closed my eyes and relished what I had with him.
For us…give and take was all we needed.

$50 Amazon gift card

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


(A standalone novel)
A Contemporary Romance novel

New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
Vi Keeland 


Add THE BALLER to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Sign up for Vi’s mailing list now and be the first one notified of releases!

The Baller by Vi Keeland from Becca the Bibliophile on Vimeo.

About the Author

Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn't change for the world. She is a bookworm and has been known to read her kindle at stop lights, while styling her hair, cleaning, walking, during sporting events, and frequently while pretending to work.  She is a boring attorney by day, and an exciting smut author by night!
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Pinterest

Additional Books by Vi Keeland

Life on Stage series (2 standalone books)

Amazon US:
Amazon UK:

Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Barnes & Noble:


MMA Fighter series (3 standalone books)
Worth the Fight (MMA Fighter Series, Book One)
Barnes & Noble:
Smashwords -

Worth The Chance (MMA Fighter Series, Book Two)
Amazon US:

Worth Forgiving (MMA Fighter Series, Book Three)
Amazon US:
B & N:

The Cole Series (2 book serial)

Belong to You (Cole Series, Book One)
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Barnes & Noble:

Made for You (Cole Series, Book Two)
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Barnes & Noble:

Standalone novels

Cocky Bastard (co-written with Penelope Ward)
Amazon US:
Amazon UK: 

Left Behind (A Young Adult Novel)
Amazon US:
Amazon UK: 

First Thing I See
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Barnes & Noble:

Skimlinks Test