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Saturday, May 31, 2014

COVER REVEAL - For Fallon by Soraya Naomi

I have a feeling this book is going one heck of a steamy rollercoaster romance thriller.  Read the synopsis and excerpt and see for yourself.  I just added For Fallon by Soraya Naomi to my reading list, and I think you should too.

Title: For Fallon
Author: Soraya Nami
Expected Release Date: July 26, 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance Thriller

One night was all it took. One night to fall for him.
When twenty-eight year old Fallon Michaels meets Luca DeMiliano, she’s infatuated by this man. Love cannot be contained and she falls for him. But as time progresses doubt creeps into her mind as to what kind of man he is. Her first mistake was she chose to believe him, over and over again.
One night to fall for her.
Twenty-nine year old Luca DeMiliano  is taken by surprise for the first time in years when he meets Fallon. Being with her forces him to hide a huge part of himself.
He could’ve stayed away.
He should’ve stayed away.
Now she’s in, and once in you’ll never be completely safe. Life will forever change when affiliated with Luca DeMiliano.

About the Author:
Soraya Naomi resides in Europe with her entrepreneur fiancé. She attended university in The Netherlands.

Although she reads many genres, she favors intense, dark, seductive, and provocative novels where the male character loves fiercely without remorse or boundaries. 

She has a passionate obsession for the written word and indulges in chocolate pastries much too often. 
There are books full of great writing that don't have very good stories. Read sometimes for the story... don't be like the book-snobs who won't do that.
Read sometimes for the words--the language. Don't be like the play-it-safers who won't do that. But when you find a book that has both a good story and good words, treasure that book. 

― Stephen King 

Social Media Contacts:

EXCERPT: Fallon’s point of view
He kisses me hard and hungry and spins me facing away from him. Luca pushes me against the glass window and pins my hands above my head.
 A shudder resounds through me as my hands contact the cold glass, and he gazes at me in the window reflection. “Keep them there,” he orders. My hips are pulled back slightly, my back arches. Luca’s fingertips glide down my spine. Palming my behind, he massages the swell of my ass in both hands. The heat radiating off him is absorbed by my back as he leans in close to kiss the shell of my ear. The tips of his thumbs touch my entrance. Going down into a kneeling position, his nose traces down my back, stopping twice to leave a rough kiss in his wake. Luca bites both cheeks and a low growl leaks from his lips.
      He starts licking me from front to back with the flat of his tongue. All the while his hands keep cupping my behind. “I want to hear you, Fallon.” His tongue traces my folds, the inside of my thighs, the bundle of nerves are being sucked into his warm and wet mouth. And finally his tongue moves inside me, licking my inner walls.
I scream his name repeatedly and throw my head back when his tongue pleasures me into climax.
      Unfastening his pants and pushing down his boxer briefs, Luca seats himself in me roughly. “I’m always so fucking hard for you. Fuck, Fallon,” he groans. My earlobe is caught between his teeth as his hands hold my wrists against the window.
My back curves more to take him in deep.
Luca tangles his right hand in my hair and turns my head to thrust his tongue in my mouth, meeting mine, compelling me. A low, rasping sound escapes him while he keeps up his punishing strokes until he spills inside me. He holds himself still, our breathing regulates, and his lips graze my shoulder. As he pulls out leisurely – tightening his grip around my locks, forcing my stare forward –
Luca takes my left hand and strokes his come around with our entangled fingers. “Rub it in, Fallon,” he whispers in a hoarse tone against my ear while locking eyes with me in the window.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Life After Taylah by Bella Jewel - Promo Release Week Giveaway - $50.00 Amazon Gift Card

Life After Taylah by Bella Jewel released this week.  This one is on my weekend reading list.  Check out the synopsis and enter to win a $50.00 Amazon gift card.

Title: Life After Taylah
Author: Bella Jewel
Release Date: May 26, 2014


My mother's name is Taylah, and once, a very long time ago, she was my best friend 

- she was everything I wanted to be. 

Until the night she disappeared. 

Ten years on and my life, my families lives and the world around us has never been the same again. 

How can it be when you are left not knowing?

No leads. No connections. Nothing. Just pure emptiness. 

My dancing is the only way I can separate myself from the pain that lies in my home, in my father's eyes and in my brother's spirit. They need me and I'll fight with everything I am to be there for them, but who will be there for me?

Then I meet Nate. 

Champion Motocross racer and everything my father doesn't want for me. He's
forbidden, he's beautiful, and he's carrying a bundle of his own secrets. 

When I step into his world, there is no turning back. 

He will consume me. 

He will teach me how to breathe again. 

He will put a tiny piece of my broken heart, back together. 

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About the Author

Bella Jewel is an Aussie girl through and through. She spent her life in Western 
Australia, growing up in many different areas of the state. She now currently lives 
in Perth with her husband, children and mass amounts of pets. She's crazy, fun,
outgoing and friendly. Writing is her passion, she started at the young age of 18 but finally got the courage up to publish, and her first novel Hell's Knights was released in August 2013.

Author Social Media Links



$50.00 Amazon Gift Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Holy Hell - My prayers were answered...another amazing book by Belle Aurora

Holy hell – I have to share this fabulous soon to be released gem with you guys. I just read Night Fury: First Act (Night Fury #1) by Belle Aurora. This new dark and slightly twisted book has me praying for book 2 to release soon. My review will appear next week. Check it out on Goodreads (see link) and add this one to your reading list. 


Keep Me by Anna Zaires Cover Reveal *Giveaway* Excerpt

I have heard Twist Me (Book #1) by Anna Zaires is really good...and has a 50 Shades/Consequences vibe.  Check out cover, synopsis & giveaway and excerpt for Keep Me (Book #2) 

Title: Keep Me (Twist Me, #2)
Author: Anna Zaires
Genre: Dark Erotic Novel
Release Date: September 30, 2014
Cover Design by Eden Crane Designs

Abducted at eighteen. Held captive for 15 months.
It reads like one of those headlines. And yes, I did it. I stole her. Nora, with her long dark hair and silky skin. She’s my weakness, my obsession.
I’m not a good man. I never pretended to be one. She can love me, but she can’t change me.
I can, however, change her.
My name is Julian Esguerra, and Nora is mine to keep.
***Keep Me is the sequel to Twist Me, told from Nora & Julian’s POV.***
Julian's POV
“Are you all right?” There is a concerned expression on Nora’s face as she reaches up to touch the area above my left ear. Her slender fingers are gentle on my scalp. “Does it still hurt?”
Her touch sends pleasure streaking down my spine. I want this from her. I want her to care about my well-being. I want her to love me even though I stole her freedom—even though, by all rights, she should hate me.
I have no illusions about myself. I’m one of those men they show on the news—the ones that everyone fears and despises. I took a young woman because I wanted her and for no other reason.
I took her and I made her mine.
I make no excuses for my actions. I feel no guilt either. I wanted Nora, and now she’s here with me, looking at me like I’m the most important person in her world.
And I am. I am exactly what she needs now . . . what she craves. I will give her everything, and I will take everything from her in return. Her body, her mind, her devotion—I want it all. I want her pain and her pleasure, her fear and her joy.
I want to be her entire life.
“No, it’s fine,” I say in response to her earlier question. “It’s almost healed.”
She pulls her fingers away, and I catch her hand, not ready to forego the pleasure of her touch. Her hand is slim and delicate in my grasp, her skin soft and warm. She tries to tug it away reflexively, but I don’t let her, my fingers tightening around her small palm. Her strength is insignificant compared to mine; she can’t make me release her unless I chose to let her go.
She doesn’t really want me to let her go, anyway. I can feel the excitement rising within her, and my body hardens, a dark hunger awakening within me again. Reaching across the table, I slowly and purposefully unbuckle her safety belt.
Then I stand up, still holding her hand, and lead her to the bedroom at the back of the airplane.
 Twist Me (Twist Me, #1)

Twist Me (Twist Me, #1) Buy Links:

About the Author
Anna Zaires fell in love with books at the age of five, when her grandmother taught her to read. She wrote her first story shortly thereafter. Since then, she has always lived partially in a fantasy world where the only limits were those of her imagination. Currently residing in Florida, Anna is happily married to Dima Zales (a science fiction and fantasy author) and closely collaborates with him on all their works.

After graduating from the University of Chicago with a degree in Economics, Anna spent eight years on Wall Street analyzing stocks and writing research reports. In 2013, she became a full-time author, pursuing her lifelong dream of writing romance novels.

Dima Zales is the love of her life and a huge inspiration in all aspects of her writing. Every book Anna writes is a product of their unique collaborative process.

In addition to reading and writing, Anna enjoys drinking tea (coconut oolong, anyone?), watching addictive TV shows, and discussing book ideas during long walks with her amazing husband.

She loves hearing from her readers, so please don't hesitate to contact her through her website or connect with her on Facebook, where she hangs out way too often. Also, please visit her husband and collaborator, Dima Zales, at and check out their fantasy & science fiction books.

Signed paperback of Twist Me (domestic) ** ebook copy of the complete Krinar Chronicles trilogy (international)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Beloved by Corinne Michaels is LIVE

I just added this Navy SEAL love story to my reading list.  Early reviews of Beloved by Corinne Michaels have been amazing. I'm calling dibs on Jackson Cole.  I think he might be my next book boyfriend.  

Author: Corinne Michaels
Release Date: May 28, 2014

Not enough.

Catherine Pope has never been enough. Every man she has ever loved abandoned her—from her father to her fiancĂ©. She finally accepted the fact she would never be enough to hold any man’s heart and soul.

Then Catherine met Jackson Cole.

When her world literally collided with the sexy former Navy SEAL, everything she always believed is turned upside down and left scattered. He made her feel alive and desirable, consumed her with fierceness and loyalty—which completely unnerved her. Jackson got her in a way no one ever had, giving him the power to destroy her. 

If she breaks down and gives him what’s left of her battered heart—will he protect it? Or will Catherine become an irrelevant part of yet another man’s life? 

Will she get the one thing that has always evaded her – to finally be someone’s beloved

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Come to Me Quietly by A.L. Jackson is on SALE!

Talk about perfect timing...  Come to Me Quietly (Book #1) by A.L. Jackson is on sale before Come to Me Softly (Book #2) releases on Jun 24th! This sale is on from 5/28 - 6/9.  

Buy Links:
Amazon --->

Barnes & Noble ---> US:

Check out my 5-Star review of Come To Me Quietly.
Come to Me Quietly (Closer to You, #1)Come to Me Quietly by A.L. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
ARC kindly provided in exchange for a fair and honest review. Spoiler- free review. 5+ stars!

There aren't many writers like A.L Jackson.  Only a handful of books could consume my heart and soul, and Come To Me Quietly is one of them.  If this book isn't on your list, add it or buy it now.

My spoiler-free mini review/synopsis: Aly has been in love with her brother’s best friend, Jared, since they were kids.  After a devastating incident for which Jared blames himself…he goes into self-destruct mode. Jared numbs his painful memories with booze and drugs…and creates a vendetta against his soul.  Fast-forward years later…Jared crosses paths with Aly and her brother and from there, Aly and Jared slowly build their relationship. He doesn’t feel worthy of her love…he is broken and stuck in this self-induced emotional purgatory. Aly is Jared’s light in all of his darkness.  Will he let her in and allow himself to love and be loved again?  

This book is “unputabledownable”.  CTMQ is  raw and loaded with angst, turmoil, love and is absolutely touching. A.L. Jackson made my heart melt from the firestorm of emotion she created on each and every page of this book.  There isn’t a full blown cliff hanger, but loose ends that will likely be tied up in book two Come To Me Softly. A.L. Jackson is on my auto download list and will read ANYTHING this woman writes. Come To Me Quietly is absolute Kindle Crack.

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon and Twitter.

This second chance romance just melted my heart - Being Sawyer Knight by Nicola Haken

I just read such an amazing cliff hanger free rock star romance. If you like boys who love boys check out Being Sawyer Knight by Nicola Haken.  This second chance romance just melted my heart.  My full review will appear within the next few weeks.  I just had to share since it released yesterday!  Check it out.

Buy Links:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

New From Sylvain Reynard - Cover Reveal for The Raven

Check out The Raven by Sylvain Reynard.  I just added this one to my 
reading list. 

Title: The Raven
Author: Sylvain Reynard 
Release Date: Early 2015

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Gabriel Series comes a dark, sensual tale of romance in a city shrouded in mystery…
Raven Wood spends her days at Florence’s Uffizi Gallery restoring fine works of Renaissance art. But an innocent walk home after an evening with friends changes her life forever. When she intervenes in the senseless beating of a homeless man, his attackers turn on her, dragging her into an alley. Raven is only semi-conscious when their assault is interrupted by a cacophony of growls followed by her attacker’s screams. Mercifully, she blacks out, but not before catching a glimpse of a shadowy figure who whispers to her…

Cassita vulneratus.

When Raven awakes, she is inexplicably changed. She returns to the Uffizi, but no one recognizes her and more disturbingly, she discovers that she’s been absent an entire week. With no recollection of the events leading up to her disappearance, Raven also learns that her absence coincides with one of the largest robberies in Uffizi history – the theft of a set of priceless Botticelli illustrations. When the baffled police force identifies her as its prime suspect, Raven is desperate to clear her name. She seeks out one of Florence’s wealthiest and elusive men in an attempt to uncover the truth about her disappearance. Their encounter leads Raven to a dark underworld whose inhabitants kill to keep their secrets…

About the Author
I'm interested in the way literature can help us explore aspects of the human condition - particularly suffering, sex, love, faith, and redemption. My favourite stories are those in which a character takes a journey, either a physical journey to a new and exciting place, or a personal journey in which he or she learns something about himself/herself. 

I'm also interested in how aesthetic elements such as art, architecture, and music can be used to tell a story or to illuminate the traits of a particular character. In my writing, I combine all of these elements with the themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the transformative power of goodness.

I try to use my platform as an author to raise awareness about the following charities: Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation, WorldVision, Alex's Lemonade Stand, and Covenant House. For more information, see my Twitter account.

You can find Sylvain at: 


The Devil's Contract by Claire Contreras is LIVE - Release Day GIVEAWAY $50.00 Gift Cards

It’s release day for THE DEVIL’S CONTRACT by Claire Contreras! We have
an excerpt to share with you today, but we are the SECOND stop of the excerpt
chain, so if you haven’t read the rest of the excerpt, stop here and go back. The
groups are listed below.

Author: Claire Contreras
Release Date: May 27, 2014
Genre: Dark Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Najla Qamber

He gave them a choice.
He made her promise two years.
She should have known there was a catch.
“No need to be scared, Mademoiselle,” the woman said. Her thick, French accent
made Amara feel panicky.
Amara focused on breathing, swallowed back her fear, and asked the only
question she could think of. “Why now?”
The woman shook her head, smiling. It was just as warm as it was vile,
and it made Amara’s skin crawl. “My name is Vivienne LaRue, and I am here to
offer you a job. You’ll make a lot of money,” she said, as her eyes darted around
the restaurant with distaste. “A lot more than you’re making here.”
Amara licked her lips. “And if I don’t want another job?”
Vivienne raised her penciled, thin eyebrows and twisted her lips. “You
made a deal once, as I’m sure you remember.”
“I do, but it’s been…”
“Five years.”
“Right. Five years.”
“Your parents still live in the same house, correct? Drive the nice
cars…maybe your mother doesn’t frequent shops as much, but still has her
things. She got her treatment, her medical bills paid. Who do you think made that
Amara’s throat tightened as she listened to Vivienne. She knew, of course,
that she was telling the truth. She just hoped there was something she could do
to avoid this situation. When nothing dawned on her, she sagged into the seat
behind her.
“Why now?” she asked again.
“Why not?”
“I’ve been saving money.”
“Not enough.”
“How do you know?” Amara asked defiantly.
Vivienne laughed lightly and took out one sheet of paper from her
briefcase. She placed it in the center of the table, facing Amara.

To read the next portion of the excerpt, FOLLOW THE CHAIN!
deal sharing aunt
Sassy Savvy Fabulous
Prisoners of Print
Nicely Phrased
Mean Girls Luv Books

rafl/display/4a5012352/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author:
Claire Contreras graduated with her BA in Psychology from Florida
International University. She was born in the Dominican Republic and raised
in Miami, Fl, where she currently resides with her husband, two boys, and two
American Bulldogs.

Life is short, and it’s more bitter than sweet, so she tries to smile as often as her
face allows. She enjoys stories with happy endings, because life is full of way
too many unhappy ones.

Website | Facebook | Twitter

Follow the excerpt chain!
Group 1
Shh Moms Reading
Books Over Boys
Bridger Bitches Book Blog
Books to Breathe
Keep Calm & Read Romance

Group 2
A Bookish Escape
Devoured Words
Kindle Crack Book Reviews
Booklovers For Life

Group 3
deal sharing aunt
Sassy Savvy Fabulous
Prisoners of Print
Nicely Phrased
Mean Girls Luv Books

Group 4
Mixed Emotions Book Blog
The Romance Cover
Kindle and Me
Madison Says

Group 5
Sassy Mum Book Blog
Group Therapy Book Club Blog & Review
My Secret Romance
Bright Autumn Sun
Shelly's Book Corner

Monday, May 26, 2014

Look what just released! Forever Ours by Cassia Leo

Title: Forever Ours
Author: Cassia Leo
Release Date: May 27, 2014

Forever Ours is the highly anticipated prequel to the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Shattered Hearts Series. It can be read as a stand alone or before Relentless.

Sometimes, it takes more than love to mend a shattered heart.
After eight years of being tossed around from one home to another, never forming any meaningful friendships or bonds with her foster families, Claire's caseworker gives her an ultimatum: Behave or your next home will be a halfway house.

When fifteen-year-old Claire arrives at the home of Jackie Knight and meets Jackie's fifteen-year-old son, tattooed guitarist Chris, she fears she'll be seeing the inside of that halfway house soon. But Chris isn't like any other guy Claire has ever encountered and he soon gains her trust through his music and unwavering patience.

Claire has finally found her forever home and she and Chris soon find themselves falling in love.

But Chris’s dreams of musical stardom and Claire’s need for a stable home soon put their love in jeopardy. Chris struggles deeply with his plans for the future, entirely reluctant to leave Claire behind; until Claire does something that may break their love — and the only home she’s comes to know — forever.

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cassia Leo grew up in California and has lived in three different countries. She loves to travel and her dream is to one day score a record deal based on her awesome shower singing skills. She is the author of the Shattered Hearts series (Relentless, Pieces of You, Bring Me Home, Abandon) and the Luke and Chase series.


Buy Links:
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Pre-Release Review & $25.00 Amazon Gift Card - Cut Too Deep by K.J. Bell

*Cut Too Deep pre-release review & giveaway*  
I really liked this second chance romance.  Read a review, excerpt and enter to win a Amazon gift card.  Cut Too Deep by KJ Bell releases on 5/27 and this one is worth one clicking!  

Title: Cut Too Deep
Author: KJ Bell
Release Date:  May 27, 2014

A woman traumatized by her past, beaten, battered, and unwilling to trust.
A man held captive by his greatest failure, lost, and self-destructive.
Letters that unexpectedly bind them together.
Is their bond strong enough to survive each other?
As a web of deceit is revealed, will they be able to determine what’s real, and what’s worth fighting for.
Can Miller forgive himself and move beyond his fear of failing the one he loves? 
Can Hadley accept the love she desperately wants but doesn’t believe she deserves?  Or will they crumble under the weight of secrets that cut too deep?

About the Author:
K J Bell currently lives in California with her husband and three children. As a mother of three, when she’s not writing, she’s usually carting one of her children to their various activities. She enjoys reading, and music, and is equally addicted to both. Writing is a passion she simply can’t live without.
She loves hearing from her readers and can be found on various social media sites







Review of Cut Too Deep on Kindle Crack Book Reviews
Cut Too DeepCut Too Deep by K.J. Bell
My rating: 4.0 - 4.5 of 5 stars
Title:  Cut Too Deep
Author: K.J. Bell
Release Date:  May 27, 2014
Rating:  4.00 – 4.50 stars – really good!!!
Cliffhanger: No/Standalone
Spoiler-free Review

Hadley is a women with a past full of violence and dysfunction. Her abusive father kills her mother, and she kills her dad in self-defense. Her life went from bad to
worse.  Hadley is placed in custody as a ward of the state since no other family wanted to take her in. Her guardian turns out to be an abusive child molester who brutally attacks her. Hadley’s life spiraled out of control for many years after losing her family, her dreams and herself. She managed to keep herself together as best as she could to become functioning adult.  Hadley collected quite a few emotional battle scars over the years and hasn’t been able to let anyone into her life. She lusts after a beautiful man she sees in her office building.  They exchange glances in the elevator day after day for
years.  Miller is a successful CEO with a dark and dangerous past.   Hadley and Miller finally meet after exchanging letters. Can she finally let love in?  Is Miller, who he says he is? Will his love be enough to save her from her from her menacing guardian who has come back to claim Hadley as his property he bought from the Russian mob?

Cut Too Deep deals some heavy topics like rape and sex trafficking...but it is not written in extreme detail.  The story started out a little slow for me up until I reached 30% of the way in.  I ended up enjoying this second chance romance. There were so many good twists and turns.  I would have liked to have had a bit more from Miller’s big secret reveal. There was all this build up to and feels like should have been more about it. Overall, this book was well written, and the plot had reminded me of little of a cross between Sempre & The Girl Who Kicked a Hornets Nest.  Cut Too Deep was my first K.J. Bell book and going to be not my last.  One click this one!

A review copy was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon and Twitter.


Dear Ms. Walker,
I know exactly who you are. You’re the beautiful and intriguing young woman who 
shakes like a leaf when I get near you, but watches me with heated intensity every 
morning when I arrive to work as though you would like to undress me.
I’m pleased to learn the little voice in your head won out and you decided to mail 
your letter. Perhaps with distance between us, I won’t intimidate you, and we can get to know each other properly. I would very much like to know more about you.
I am receiving many letters, but let me put your mind at ease. I’m not opening any of them. I’m not interested in words from strangers that are obviously looking for ten tiny minutes of fame. Yours, however, spiked my curiosity. I wasn’t sure if it was the same Hadley Walker that brightens my mornings until I smelled the delicate perfume on the outside of the envelope, and knew with certainty it was you.You would like to know what I miss the most about home. I’m a man. Your answer, Ms. Walker, is sex. I’m accustomed to having a woman in my bed. There are no women here, and it’s lonely. Would you be willing to keep me company? Fucking through words can be very erotic. Chances are, you squirmed in your seat, shocked by what I’ve written. Your panties are wet, and you’re reading the above sentence over again. Perhaps you’re cursing me, but it won’t stop you from reading on. You said you’re drawn to me, and I am rather enamored with you as well. There is nothing for you to be “curious” about. It’s purely sexual attraction that draws you to me and me to you. I’ve wanted to have you since the first time I saw you watching me. The other morning when your big doe eyes peered up at me, and you knew I’d caught you, I wanted to drag you into the elevator and fuck you until you screamed my name so loud, the entire building heard you. I’ve thought about nothing else since. I saw in your eyes that you wanted me to make you come right there in the building lobby. I’m hard thinking about it.
What do you say, Ms. Walker, would you care to have letter sex with me? When I’m free of this shit hole, I promise to deliver the real thing, and then you can determine if I’m still mesmerizing.

Miller Genetti


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