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Monday, September 30, 2013

Just Released - Moore To Lose by Julie Richman is LIVE

Moore To Lose by Julie Richman 

Moore to Lose by Julie A. Richman - Author is Live on Amazon! 
Get your copy of Moore to Lose at:
Searching for Moore (Book One) ONLY $0.99:

Continuing the fight for their happily ever after that began in Searching for Moore, Schooner Moore and Mia Silver struggle to overcome the ghosts and baggage they accumulated during their time apart.

Exploring the missing 24 years when they were separated, Moore to Lose follows Mia's journey from heartbroken teen to kickass businesswoman to her emotional reunion with Schooner and the exploration of the love that was ripped from them.

But is their love really strong enough to overcome the damage of those missing 24 years or will they continue to be ripped apart by pasts that can't be changed?

**This is Book 2 in the Needing Moore Series. This is not a stand alone book. It is meant to be read after Searching for Moore.**

Cover Reveal - Room For You by Beth Ehemann

I think I like hockey.  Love this cover...Brody Murphy...GOALLLL.  Check out Room For You by Beth Ehemann

Room for You:
Four years ago, my dreams were shattered in an instant.

I tried to pick up the pieces and glue them back together the best I knew
how, but something was always missing.

A father for my two girls.

But then, Brody Murphy landed on my doorstep, literally. He was a carefree,
playful hockey player who barged into my life and messed with my head. He
left me more confused than I had ever been.

What if the one thing I thought I needed was the only thing holding me back?




Beth Ehemann lives in the northern suburbs of Chicago with her 4 crazy
kids and her husband, who’s also a big kid most of the time. She loves
reading, photography, martinis and all things Chicago Cubs.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Moore to Lose by Julie Richman To Be Released on September 29th

Searching For Moore fans...Moore To Loose (book #2) by Julie A. Richman - Author should be at the top of your tbr list. It will be released tomorrow. I was lucky to read an advanced copy and can *promise* you will love book two even Moore! Five-stars. My full review will be posted to coincide with a blog tour I’m participating in.
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Just Released - Untangle Me by Chelle Bliss

Untangle Me by Chelle Bliss looks pretty hot and it just released on Friday!  I haven’t read this one yet…but I have to say the cover is making me Need. To. Read. It. NOW. It just hit #36 on Amazon’s erotica list.  I love smutastic Saturday reads. I’m staying in and reading tonight. Byeee.  Link below.

Blog Tour Review & Promo Giveaway - Withstanding Me by Crystal Spears

Holy Hell I loved this book!  Crystal Spears is one of my go to writers for MC biker madness.  Check out my review and excellent giveaway below.

ZZ on the cover of Withstanding Me by Crystal Spears

Withstanding Me Synopsis
While the chaos and bloodshed have slowed for a short period, life is never quiet in the world of Breakneck. The club is taking time to regroup from internal betrayal and the changing of the guard in a rival group.
Zig Zag became a father at the age of thirteen. While raising a child has never been easy, now his eighteen year old daughter Tatiana makes his life downright hard. She has caught the eye of Travis, the new President of the rival MC Gunners, but all she really wants is Shadow, the newest addition to the Breakneck family. When Shadow’s rejection sends Tatiana running from the only family, home, and safety she’s ever known, ZZ is crazy with worry. The distraction caused by Tatiana’s disappearance could prove to be Zig Zag’s downfall.

If that isn’t enough, ZZ finds himself rampantly attracted to the one and only Storm. She’s beautiful, quick and witty. Their friendship is the one thing that keeps him from growing crazy, and Storm stands by ZZ through all the turmoil. Zig Zag is not accustomed to hearing the word no, so Storm’s constant withstanding just draws him in deeper. Their friendship is one thing keeping him from going crazy, until one night…

The club is regrouping and rebuilding from the mayhem known as the Russian Mafia. A hit is ordered on Tatiana, Storm, Winter, and Piper.

Tatiana’s egg donor reveals secrets that a thirteen year old Zig Zag was too young to understand.

Braxxon is out of reach while he helps Greg Cage deal with some dirty business.

Bloodshed… Secrets… Betrayal… Trauma… Welcome back to the Breakneck world.

Buy Links:
B&N -

Amazon -

Withstanding Me (Breakneck, #2)Withstanding Me by Crystal Spears
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. No cliffhanger and can be read as a standalone. I recommend reading Seize Me (book #1) so you can fully understand the background of each character. Spoiler-free review.  4.5 – 5.0 stars!

Once again I understand why Crystal Spears in on my auto download list.  This woman writes some amazing biker Kindle Crack.  I have to give her huge props for the letter she included to readers about Withstanding Me (book #2). She spells it out for you. Spears grew up around bikers and her stories are raw.  Biker’s don’t fart glitter and walk around baking cupcakes.  There is a lot of sex, explicit language, drugs and violence. With that said….I knew what I was getting into and loved Withstanding Me.

I had to Google a picture of a Jacobs Ladder while reading this book.  I got the whole full effect thing from a few interesting pictures.  Ouch???  Withstanding Me is one hell of a roller coaster (actually motorcycle ride) primarily focusing on ZZ & Apple.  I loved ZZ – such a crazy ass biker with a heart of gold.  Apple (who has the best last name ever) was a great character as well. I don’t want to spoil it for you but this book is loaded with all kinds of twists and turns with the Russian mob, pregnancy, muffler bunnies and more.

Seize Me fans– Braxx & Winter are fully integrated into Withstanding Me (which I was very happy about).  If you read Cage by Harper Sloan already you already know there is a *HUGE* Breakneck surprise. I love Sloan’s books as well.

Don’t miss this fine piece of MC Kindle Crack.  I can’t wait for Crystal Spears next book…I am such a fan girl.

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon and Twitter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, September 27, 2013

Cover Reveal - Just One Week by Stacey Lynn

Just One Week by Stacey Lynn will release in about four weeks on 10/24. I *live* for rock star romances and this book looks hot. I have a huge lady boner for drummers. Just One Song (book #1) also got a rockin new cover which can be viewed at the end of this post. I just added to be TBR list.

Just One Week (book #2)  - release date: 10/24
Author: Stacey Lynn
Two years ago, Mia had everything she thought she wanted. She loved her job, and her best friend Nicole was finally recovering from losing her family in a car accident. When they met rock star Zack Walters and given backstage pages for his concert in their hometown of Minneapolis, Mia had no idea she would get involved with the band’s drummer, Chase Harper. It was simple, fun, and exactly what Mia liked best – no strings attached.
Then Chase decided to change the rules and Mia did what she’s always done best: she ran.
Now she’s on her way to Los Angeles to help Nicole get ready for her wedding to Zack. The one thing she’s not looking forward to is seeing Chase again. With his sculpted muscles, strong hands and dark gray eyes that seem to know everything she’s thinking – Chase has the ability to make her forget. He also has the power to make her feel, something Mia refuses to let happen.
When everything around Mia’s life begins to crumble, and she keeps all of her secrets tucked close and hidden away, Chase is the one who steps in to help.
Because he has decided that he isn’t letting her go again. Not until she finally admits she’s his.

Stacey Lynn Contact Info:
Just One Song Info & Buy Links:

Just One Week Excerpt:
Chase’s POV
I smile into her neck when I feel her pulse quicken a little bit.
“Chase?” Her quiet voice sounds a little bit dry and really tired.
I slowly flick my tongue out and lick her neck and trail soft kisses down to her collarbone. My hand on her hip squeezes slightly, pulling her back into me so she can feel how much I want her.
Damn it, I just want her. All of her.
“What is it, babe?” I whisper into her throat when I realize she’s smiling a little bit and not moving away from me at all. In fact, I think she may have just relaxed into me a little bit more. “What do you need?”
I pull away from her slightly so I can look into her sleepy blue eyes. Her hair is a little messed up and her eyes are barely open, but I can still see that she wants me. Please, I plead with my eyes, don’t tell me you need a glass of water. Don’t tell me you want me to get the hell out of here.
But she doesn’t say any of those things. She just smiles and quietly, so quietly I almost ask her to repeat herself she simply says, “You.”
It’s all I need to hear. If she wants me, I’ll give her all of me. Every last piece of my body, my heart, and my soul. Anything she wants of mine is hers, I just don’t want her to fucking stomp all over it and give back pieces of me, leftover and broken, when she’s through with me.

With a devilish grin, I adjust her so she’s lying below me. “I’m all yours, babe.”

Just One Song just got a new cover!  Check it out.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Just Released - Heaven's Sinner's By Bella Jewel Promo Giveaway & Excerpt

Holy Hell...It's finally here - Heaven's Sinners by Bella Jewel.  Did you love Hell's Knights?  If you read it I bet you loved it.  So check out Bella's next book. There is an excerpt and a $25.00 gift card giveaway to celebrate release of Heaven's Sinners. See below.

Title: Heaven’s Sinners (The MC Sinners #2)
Author: Bella Jewel
Release Date: September 25
Genre: Biker Erotica
Hosted by: Love Between the Sheets

Spike knows tragedy, he knows that feelings are better left hidden. He refuses to put his heart out there again, it's a pain he's not willing to ever let himself feel. He's got a mission. He's got a goal. Nothing is going to get in his way. He will seek his revenge.
But then there's Ciara, the sister of his deceased wife. She's beautiful and damned determined to throw herself into his life in hopes they can reform an old friendship, but Spike won't hear of it, and Ciara refuses to give up.
Who will win the battle of wills?

Goodreads Link:

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:


“Can’t fix that, can fix this.”
He leans down, and his lips are on mine before I can protest. My mouth opens as a strangled gasp leaves it. My body flinches, and a flood of warmth travels through my veins, making my entire body feel like it’s on fire. I shudder as he presses his mouth harder against mine. His lips are soft and full, his body large and firm as he presses himself against me. My hands are limp beside me, I can’t move, I’m like a rag doll in his arms. His tongue finds mine, and fireworks explode in my head, I’m almost sure I see stars. Then suddenly, my hands come to life, and I thrust them into his hair, tugging him closer. My mouth is devouring his, my tongue dancing with his in hungry, angry strokes. He growls, and presses a hand to my lower back, pressing my body up against his hard, aching erection. I untangle one of my hands from his hair, and run it down his firm back. I slip it under his shirt, and feel his hot, hard skin. It’s taut, and his muscles bunch as I slide my fingers up, feeling every inch of his muscled flesh.
Then his mouth is off mine, and I’m stumbling backwards. He’s reeling backwards just as quickly, his eyes confused. He’s panting so heavily I can see his chest rising and falling rapidly. His eyes are wild, like he’s just made a huge mistake. I press my fingers to my swollen lips, did that just happen? Did Spike just…kiss me? I’ve never been kissed like that in my entire life, not once. That kiss, it was a kiss of passion. It was real, beautiful, gut wrenching, soul shattering…but mostly, it was mind fucking. What did it mean? Spike’s fists are clenched, and his eyes are a mix of anger and lust.
“Now we’re even. Get on the bike,” he rasps.

Bella Jewel is an Aussie girl through and through. She spent her life in Western Australia, growing up in many different areas of the state. She now currently lives in Perth with her husband, children and mass amounts of pets. She's crazy, fun, outgoing and friendly. Writing is her passion, she started at the young age of 18 but finally got the courage up to publish, and her first novel Hell's Knights will be released in August 2013.


(1) $25 Amazon Gift Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, September 23, 2013

Secrets of a Hart by Elizabeth James Blog Tour

The excerpt is a little hard to read (click on it to make it larger its in B&W).  Secrets of a Hart by Elizabeth James sounds smokin hot.  Check it out.

Five years ago, Kendall Hart’s life changed forever. A tragedy forced her to grow up fast and become a responsible adult overnight while her friends were still enjoying high school. She lives and breathes work leaving no time for a social life and her circle of friends is small. She has no room for complications in her life…then Tristan walks in.

Tristan O’Neal is forced to return home when his father becomes terminally ill. Taking care of his parents, dealing with an irresponsible brother, and starting a new job bring challenges to his life. Starting a relationship is the last thing on his mind but when sees Kendall, he finds himself drawn to her...she is so familiar.

Tristan is what Kendall has always wanted but life isn’t always fair. Sometimes you have to let go of the one person you’ve always loved in order to protect them. Will Tristan be able to break through the wall she’s built around her heart or will Kendall’s secrets consume her and destroy their chance at a life together?

Elizabeth James is the author of the Design Series. She writes contemporary romance set in her native North Carolina. A life-long reader, she began writing a novel at age fifteen, put it away with no hopes of publication, but now has realized her dream as an adult. Inspired by several bestselling authors she began working as a beta reader and her passion for writing once again surfaced. She embarked on a journey to see if she could complete a novel and Love by Design was born. With warm reception to her first novel she is now making this crazy world a part of her life. Elizabeth believes you're never too late in life to realize your dreams and this has opened up a new world of adventures and meeting new people which she loves to do. Elizabeth lives in North Carolina with her husband and their dogs. She enjoys traveling, exploring North Carolina, and spending time with her friends.

Author Links

Amazon Buy Link:

Barnes & Noble * Smashwords

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Cover Reveal & Promo Giveaway - After The Storm by M. Stratton

I love rock & roll love stories and cant wait to get my hands on this one! Check out After The Storm by M. Stratton.  Giveaway for an advanced review copy at the end of this post.  Good luck!


Alexia “Lexi” Hanson moved across the country to rebuild her life after the attack that almost destroyed her. She enjoys the simple things in her beach cottage. Life is finally complete.

Noah Matthews is Rock & Roll’s hottest star and on top of the world. After years without a break he finds the solitude he craves at his beach house. Enjoying his early morning coffee, Noah is surprised to see his neighbor sneak into his garden and crawl around.

They never saw that fateful morning coming. Someone was watching them. Someone who thought Lexi belonged to him and would stop at nothing to have her.

Lives are changed forever when they meet amongst the blooms in his garden. Even when things seem darkest, there is always light After the Storm.

Add After the storm to your TBR list

(unedited - subject to change)
He walked out into the hot summer air and breathed in deeply. It had been so long since he could breathe freely. His shoes crunched across the gravel in the parking lot and he thought of her. It’s all her fault I have lost these past five years of his life. She took his freedom away. His rage built with every step he took as he approached the cab that was waiting for him. He hated these disgusting things but he did not want anyone to know he was back.
He carried himself with a refined grace of the social elite. He stood just over six foot two inches with broad shoulders, dark wavy hair, piercing blue eyes and chiseled features. He had a scar that ran about an inch long from the outer edge of his left eyebrow and continued down below his eye. A souvenir courtesy of his father he saw every time he looked into the mirror, it didn’t detract from his beauty, and in fact it had the opposite effect. It added a dangerous flare to him that women found irresistible. He could have his pick of any woman at any time. He loved the power he had over them.
After giving the driver his address he sat back and watched the city go by trying to keep his mind off of her. He was trying to focus on what had changed and what had stayed the same, anything to distract his thoughts from her. He was thankful that he had enough money so he could ride out this whole unfortunate situation without losing everything. He chuckled to himself at the knowledge that she would never know what was coming for her. He smiled for the first time since he walked out in the heat.
He unlocked the front door and strode into his home, his castle. Everything was as it had been the last time he was there all those years ago. This was good because he didn’t want to take the time to contact the caretaker if he had done anything wrong. He had a limited time to do what he needed to do before heading to the east coast.
He climbed the stairs and went to the secret room that he had built himself behind the master bedroom closet and held his breath before entering, scared that someone might have found it. But if they had found it things would be quite different now. It was a small room, only twenty-five square feet with the walls covered with pictures of his women. One of the walls had what he considered miscellaneous “tools” he liked to use on his women, while another whole wall was dedicated floor to ceiling to women that he had killed. It showed them in all different scenarios from being out in public to in their own homes. He paused for a moment remembering raping and killing each and every one of them. As always it brought a calm over him to remember them. He lightly kissed each one before he slowly turned his attention to the other pictures on a wall of their own. This wall belonged solely to her, the one that got away. It still angered him that he was unable to finish what he had started.
He crossed to his favorites of her. One night while she slept he had snuck into her home and took a picture of her sleeping. She had a smile on her face; he liked to think she was dreaming of him. While she slept he had hid the cameras and bugs in her home. It was daring doing that while she was their but he needed the extra thrill of possibly being caught. He closed his eyes remembering going back up to her bedroom for one last look. It had taken everything he had not to take her then but there are times when it makes it better to wait. He moved to absolute favorite picture of her, the one that made him hard every time. She was naked and tied to her bed just before she woke up. It was the moment before her eyes opened and she figured out what was going on. The calm before the storm. A smile spreads across his face. He unzipped his pants aching for the release and started jerking off to the thought of doing it to her again, but not being interrupted. This time he would make sure he killed her while he was coming inside of her. He threw back his head and screamed her name as he came.
Copyright 2013 M. Stratton


M. Stratton is a wife and mother who grew up in a small town north of Chicago before moving to Arizona. She is currently working in accounting for a plumbing company.

M. Stratton has spent years telling herself stories to fall asleep at night before deciding it was time to get them down on paper for the world to see. She currently has eight different stories fighting to be told. Like everyon
e else she was afraid to put the stories down and send to publishing companies. With today’s Indie market she decided now is the time.



Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blog Tour - Check Out Two New Releases From L. Chapman Trust & Veiled

Check out Trust (book 1) & Veiled (book 2) by L. Chapman.   I love when they first two books in a series launch together!  Giveaway below.

Author L Chapman
Facebook ♥ Twitter ♥ Goodreads ♥ Website

Trust Synopsis
Lovely Megan Madden has lost her faith in men. But this has not kept her from the joy of her best friend's upcoming wedding. While in London shopping for the big event, Megan's life takes a surprising turn when a quick drink brings changes to her life she never saw coming. Join in the roller coaster of emotions Megan must endure as she attempts to regain her TRUST.

Who knew a quiet drink could change your life?
Trust - Trailer

About L Chapman
L. Chapman was born in and continues to live in North Yorkshire, United Kingdom. She has spent most of her life helping others. At one time, a DJ for a special needs club. Blending her love of helping others and her love of children, L dreams to one day own and operate a childcare nursery that will help mainstream special needs children with others.
In the rare ...times that L. is not working to help others or maniacally writing, she enjoys making a mess of things while creating beautifully detailed greeting cards. She spends time relaxing with family, friends, and good books. L. loves to travel and has been to many places in the United Kingdom; her favorite places all involve the ocean. She hopes to one day share a kiss with her happily-ever-after in the romantic shadow of the Eiffel Tower. Should she ever get over her fear of flying, those kisses may be shared in the shadows of the Egyptian Pyramids.
Ever the fussy eater, L. has never once tasted peanut butter, and she despises coffee. If you should feel the need to bribe her, it is suggested that you bring chocolate, as that is one of her known weaknesses.

Synopsis graphic designed by Perfect Pear Creative
Trust cover designed by Indie Pixel Studio
Facebook Cover designed by  Book Addict Mumma
Trust - Goodreads

Buy Trust

Jenny has always wanted a fairytale life: the perfect house, her own Prince Charming and the wedding to go with it.

After a five year engagement Jenny and her fiancé Rich are counting down to the "Big Day"...

And lets not forget one hell of a Hen Party For Jenny her life as the perfect wife is all she has ever wanted but secrets are never far away...

Will Jenny make it to her own fairytale wedding...

All will be revealed in "Veiled"

EXCERPT from Veiled

 I made a speech prior to booking the wedding date that there would be no sex the week be-fore we got married. I wanted our wedding night to be special. Now, I think I will be strug-gling with this decision. I plan to make sure I get plenty before our wedding weeks begins. I am wearing Rich's favorite little black halter dress that barely covers my bum and shows just enough of my cheeks to drive him wild. He loves it. I have been a little bit naughty. Okay, very naughty. I am not wearing underwear and have added my black stilettos. Perfect. My hair is down, exactly the way he likes it, and no makeup. This is how my baby likes to see me.

    "Honey, I'm home," Rich yells as he comes through the door, looking all hot and sweaty from his run. He always goes for a three to five mile run after work. He is a fitness freak some-times, so I would love for him to take a day off from running once in a while.
     "Hi," I say leaning against the doorway in a suggestive manner, my arm above my head in the full-on come and get me pose. "Oh. Wow, are you trying to kill me, Jen?" He winks. "Never." I giggle, hoping I am killing him. I plan to make that man work his ass off after dinner. "Quick shower and I am all yours, baby girl," he says, placing a little peck on my lips before smacking my bum and running up the stairs. Rich began calling me baby girl the second time we saw each other. I can't help but blush when he says it, even after all this time together. I sit myself on a bar stool in the kitchen and wait for him. He is only gone for five minutes be-cause he takes quick showers when I am not with him. If I didn't have a nice meal planned, I would join him. I might take him for another one later. "I am back, baby girl," Rich announces as he walks into the kitchen wearing only black trousers. His bare chest on full display and his perfect back sparkling from the water that is left on him. His hair is also wet. He looks so fuckable. Food first. We need to eat first I try to convince myself.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, September 20, 2013

Just Released: Loved By You by Kate Perry Promo & Giveaway

Loved By You by Kate Perry is live on Amazon.  Check out blurb, giveaway

Title: Loved By You
Author: Kate Perry
Publisher: Phoenix Rising Enterprises, Inc. (Indie)
Release Date: September 18, 2013
Genre: Contemporary romance
Age Group: Adult
Amazon Buy Link: Links:

Book Description:
It’s time for Karma Taylor to ante up.
When her mom raises the stakes, KT has no choice but to prove that she’s living up to her potential. To her mom, that means performing in the upcoming concert, but KT would rather run naked through Golden Gate Park than expose herself on stage.
Chance Nolan, world traveler and all-around gypsy, offers KT a solution: distract her mom by faking an engagement—to him. KT would be doing him a favor, too, so he can shake the overzealous blonde who won’t take no for an answer.
Only pretending to be in a relationship feels very real, and Chance wonders if he hasn’t been searching for KT all along. He just has to convince her he’s so much more than a decoy fiancé.

Pre-order is available on iTunes:

Kate’s the bestselling author of the Laurel Heights Novels, as well as the Family and Love and Guardians of Destiny series. She’s been translated into several languages and is quite proud to say she’s big in Slovenia. All her books are about strong, independent women who just want love.
Most days, you can find Kate in her favorite café, working on her latest novel. Sometimes she’s wearing a tutu. She may or may not have a jeweled dagger strapped to her thigh...

Author social media links:

(1) $200 e-gift card to an online store of your choice.  
Visit Kate's Facebook page to enter.  See link:

He answered on the second ring. "I was thinking about you right now."
His voice was low and husky, a sexy rasp in her ear—an auditory caress no less powerful than the feel of his hands on her skin the day before. "Did I have clothes on?"
"Do you need to ask?"

Thursday, September 19, 2013

BLOG TOUR Review & Giveaway - Perfect Regret by A. Meredith Walters 5 Stars

I love A. Meredith Walters.  Once again she manged to keep me up all night reading her latest book - Perfect Regret (Bad Rep #2).  I was honored to get an advanced review copy prior to the release a couple of days ago.  Add this series to your TBR.  Check out my spoiler free review as well as an excerpt, synopsis and author giveaway below.  Happy reading.  FIVE Kindle Crack worthy stars!


Riley Walker makes all the right decisions and knows exactly where her life is headed.

Riley Walker does not make mistakes.

Riley Walker certainly doesn’t make spontaneous decisions.

But then Riley Walker gets dumped.

Spectacularly, gut-wrenching, stomp all over her heart dumped. And she is feeling more than a little angry. And a whole lot bitter. And suddenly the girl who has always done everything right feels like doing something completely wrong.

Garrett Bellows, lead guitarist for the local band, Generation Rejects, is going through life without a plan. Trying not to think past the next gig or the next party, he has worked hard to not become too attached to anyone or anything. So he is shocked to find himself drawn to the snarky girl with a chip on her shoulder. She pisses him off and puts him down. He knows she’s nothing more than a self-entitled college brat who thinks she’s better than the townie boy without a future.

Alcohol and a hefty dose of lust leads to a night both Riley and Garrett immediately regret. Her embarrassment, his pride and the weight of rumors and misconceptions convince Riley and Garrett that their one-time indiscretion will never be repeated. Particularly when their harshest critics are each other.

But how do you reconcile a head that wants to let go with a heart that keeps holding on?

And what happens when your biggest regret begins to seem almost perfect?

Perfect Regret (Bad Rep, #2)Perfect Regret by A. Meredith Walters

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. Spoiler-free. This book does not end with a cliffhanger. This book can be considered a stand-alone but I would highly recommend reading Bad Rep (book# 1). NO cliffhanger. I have no regrets reading this one….4.5 - 5 stars!

Riley Walker is perfect.
Riley Walker has a life plan.
Riley Walker gets dumped by her boyfriend.
Riley Walker is now a total bitch.

After her boyfriend breaks up with her, Riley’s perfect world comes to a screeching halt. Misery loves company and everyone around her is her is feeling the pain. She is critical, angry and just a beast. Riley goes out one night and decides to let loose. She dials down her bitchy demeanor and puts on some beer goggles. Riley hooks up with her BFF boyfriend’s band mate – Garrett Bellow. By Riley’s standards hooking up with the hottie stoner is equivalent to “slumming it”. Garrett is a “townie” who lives by her college and seems to have no life plan in place. Garrett plays guitar is in a popular local band and has job doing construction work. After a wild night of sex (which she can’t really remember) she wakes up and regrets ever being with Garrett.

“I felt like a miserable failure on all fronts. I was hung over and ashamed. Not a good combination when you felt like throwing up all over your shoes.”

She rejects Garrett over and over again…while fighting her feelings for him. Garrett doesn’t have a life plan so she thinks he is a lost cause and not for her. Riley strikes out at Garrett and treats him like total shit…but he keeps coming back for more. He sees something behind her cold mask of rejection and slowly melts her ice berg sized heart.

“We’ve found something in each other than we want. Hell if I understand why. Out of all the fish in the sea, I had to hook you. One giant, snarly toothed piranha ready to bite my fingers off.”

“My heart isn’t strong enough to survive you Riley. You won’t just bend it, you have the power to shatter it to pieces.”

After being bitch slapped…literally by a few loved ones. She starts to snap out of her PMS on acid façade. But will it be too late?

This story unravels mostly through Riley’s razor sharp tongue. There is angry and then there is Riley Walker. She’s not likeable through much of PR. While I didn’t like her…. I loved the book. In Bad Rep (book 1) she was a solid friend with just a strong personality – not mean spirited like in PR. Garrett on the other hand…is so likeable (and maybe too nice). I will say there were times there were times I want to reach in my kindle a smack him for putting up with Riley. Bad Rep fans will be happy that Maysie and Jordon are integrated nicely into PR.

This story has the perfect amount of – angst, drama and character chemistry. I made the mistake of thinking I could skim through Bad Rep before I read APG. Not a chance…I got sucked in all over again. I would recommend this book and series. A Perfect Regret is a perfect read and was worth the wait. 4.5 - 5 stars!

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon and Twitter.

The New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Contemporary and Paranormal romance including The Find You in the Dark series, Bad Rep and its upcoming sequel.

A. Meredith spent ten years as a counselor for at risk teens and children. First working at a Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault program and then later a program for children with severe emotional and mental health issues. Her former clients and their stories continue to influence every aspect of her writing.

When not writing (or being tortured with all manner of beauty products at the hand of her very imaginative and extremely girly 6 year old daughter), she is eating chocolate, watching reality television that could rot your brain and reading a smutty novel or two.






I listened silently, not sure what to do or say. This quiet, introspective side of Garrett had me off balance.

And when he started to hum along to the strange melody I had to stop myself from sighing aloud. Hey, even I wasn’t immune to a good-looking musician. I did possess the double X chromosome, you know.

His eyes were closed and his fingers moved along the fret board with a confidence that was definitely appealing. His face was open and unguarded and I could watch him like this forever.

I liked this Garrett. I more than liked this Garrett. He fascinated me.

Garrett opened his eyes and found me watching him. The air heated between us, the molecules practically crackling with electricity.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he said softly, as though more to himself than to me.

My heart was beating at a frantic pace in my chest, his words twinging something in my brain. Images flashed in my head of him kissing the inside of my thighs. I could almost feel his lips as they moved up my skin to taste between my legs.

The memory was so vivid that I knew it could only be from that night. Shit, I remembered him fucking me with his tongue before he crawled over top of me and told me how beautiful I was. And the look in his eyes had been earth shattering.

I tingled from head to toe and I desperately wanted to remember more.

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