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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

NEW RELEASE REVIEW: Something There In Between by S. Ferguson

Check out my review of Something There In Between by S. Ferguson.  You can also read an excerpt below. 

Something There In Between by S. Ferguson
Publication Date: December 19th, 2016
Genre: Contemporary Romance

After a life full of cruelty, Bree is left with no one to turn to—except him.
Declan, who's suffered his own fair share of tragedy, sees the girl on the park bench with the sad eyes and Converse shoes as a kindred spirit —and a chance to redeem himself. He couldn't save his mother. Maybe he can save her.
But is Bree too broken to let him in?
Declan may be her only hope for solace, if he's strong enough to break down her walls. Will she risk letting him in ... or let her pain consume her?

This book is intended for readers 18 and older. It contains violence and references of rape and child abuse.

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Review of Something There in Between

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
“As much as I try to, I can’t hold on to this hopeful place; it’s always just out of reach, giving me a small piece of heaven in between my moments of pain. This is why I’m still alive. The something there in between will never let me end this, emerging when I need it the most, then vanishing as quickly as it arrives.”

I can’t believe that Something There In Between is S. Ferguson’s debut novel! Wow. This slow building romance between a young woman who feels that she is isn’t worthy of love and a man with his own emotional baggage is hard to read at times. This book is packed with a lot of heartbreak and raw emotion. Please make sure to check out the authors’ warning about sensitive material. I can’t wait to see what this author does next.

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon, Pinterest, Google+ and Twitter. A review copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

That does it for me. 
The idea that someone is hurting her causes a rage I’ve only ever felt once before in my life to flow through my entire body. I clench my fists and decide now is the moment I confront her. Is there another asshole bothering her now? Did her douchebag ex make an appearance? I will fucking end whoever did this to her. I know without asking that Jake would have my back on that move. I’d be willing to bet money Ron would as well. It takes every ounce of strength I have, but I wait until the night is a little closer to being over before snatching her arm and pulling her through the doorway into the dark kitchen. I spin her around to the wall beside the doorway, leaning down so we’re face to face, eye to eye. 
“You’re gonna tell me what the fuck is going on, and you’re gonna tell me right the fuck now. Is someone hurting you? Why are your knuckles all bruised? You been fighting?” I fire off everything at once, realizing I sound like a nagging girlfriend, but I need to know she’s okay. I NEED to get this off my chest. 
Bree sighs deeply, her warm breath fanning across my neck, making me aware of our proximity. I have her pinned to the wall, my left hand is still gripping her shoulder, and my right hand is on the wall above her head. I’m being a bastard, and using my size to cage her in. I watch her closely for signs of fear, but she almost looks bored, and mostly just annoyed. I know she can still refuse to answer, but I’ll be damned if she gets away from me until I have my say. 
She raises her eyes to give me an angry glare and I feel my dick twitch. Seeing fire in her eyes as opposed to the sadness they always carry makes her ten times hotter. Fuck, I’m an asshole. Something is seriously wrong with her, and I’m standing here getting turned on. 
“I’ve just had a lot on my mind. I’ve been…training. You know exercising and punching a bag. That’s why my knuckles are bruised.” She raises an eyebrow at me, daring me to question her more. I smirk down at her…she has no idea who she’s messing with. 
“You need to wear gloves then. You’re going to ruin your beautiful hands. You’re not actually sparring are you? ”I ask, my voice deeper than I intended. I’ve never been this close to her before, and my dick is currently trying to punch its way out of my zipper to reach her. 
She glances down, and I have a moment of horror when I realize there is no way she’s going to miss my erection. I’m a healthy boy, and my jeans were already on the tight side. Her breath hitches, and she jerks her eyes back up to meet mine. 
When I see the heat in her eyes, I swear I almost come in my pants like a teenager. Bree is fucking turned on by me. I can work with this. Letting go of her shoulder, I put my hand on the wall, completely closing her in, and lower my head towards hers. 
“I don’t fool around with Ron’s guys,” she says softly, making no move to avoid my quickly approaching lips. 
“Good thing I’m not one then,” I say, my mouth forming a smirk. I’m now so close to her lips I can feel their warmth on my own. 
“YO BREE, where ya at?” I hear Jake yell from outside the door. His voice is like a splash of cold water, causing me to jerk back, and the moment is gone. 
“My brother is an asshole,” I grumble, lowering my hands to adjust my erection, and backing further away from her. 
“Your brother just stopped me from making a stupid mistake,” she says, before walking out of the door.

Meet S. Ferguson:
S. Ferguson is a military wife and mother of three. She loves to find beauty in the flawed and broken.

Connect with S. Ferguson
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Thursday, December 22, 2016

COVER REVEAL: Separation Games (The Games Duet #2) by CD Reiss ~ DON'T MISS THIS EROTIC ROMANCE

I loved Marriage Games (The Games Duet #1) by CD Reiss.  THAT ENDING KILLED ME.  I can't wait to see what happens to Adam and Diana in the conclusion to this series.  This erotic romance was a 5-star read. Check out the cover and the synopsis for Separation Games (The Games Duet #2). Read this two book series in order. 1/3 release.

Kindle Crack Book Reviews erotic romance
Title: Separation Games (The Games Duet #2) 
Author: CD Reiss
Publication Date: January 3, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Erotic Romance 

The stunning conclusion to the New York Times Bestseller.

There are a few unbreakable rules in the game.
Stay collected. Compartmentalize. Think your next move through.
Never let your heart dictate your tactics.
The heart is impulsive. 
The heart makes bad decisions.
The heart doesn’t see the long game.
The heart may have decided to get Adam back, but when the endgame comes, the heart’s going to be the one to break.
This full-length novel is the conclusion to the Games duet. 


Read Marriage Games (The Games Duet #1) before read Separation Games.
Kindle Crack Book Reviews

Amazon Paperback -

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

GIVEAWAY & COVER REVEAL - Crown of Lies by Pepper Winters

I can't wait to read Crown of Lies by Pepper Winters.  I know this new erotic dark romance is going to be so good! Read an excerpt below.
Kindle Crack Book Reviews
“I met the man I wanted. But then he vanished and a new man claimed me instead. My father approved, my colleagues congratulated, and behind closed doors, I was bedded by a master.”
Noelle Charlston lived a fairy-tale life: a doting father, a powerful job, and a future blessed with financial security.
However, two meetings with two men changed her happy existence forever. First, she met the man who made her heart sing. Second, she met the man who made her blood quiver.
Noelle’s freedom was no longer hers. It belonged to the stranger her father believed was the perfect match. The stranger who pulled his lies over everyone he touched.
Including her.
The lies he spins, the truth he hides, the mystery he webs—it’s all enough to slowly erode the woman she’d been and turn her into something else.
Until her past collides with her present.
And it’s her turn to lie.

To everyone…including herself.

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Pepper Winters other books:
(unedited, subject to change, copyright 2016 Pepper Winters)
“YOU MUST BE Chloe.”
“I am.” The girl who tormented me in high school simpered, tossing her chestnut hair like a high-strung pony. Her green dress complimented the tan she said she’d earned from the Caribbean last week. Her gaze sank into Penn as if he were some prize to be won. A prize she’d very much like to taste.
Penn pulled me into his side, running his hand erotically up and down my arm. “And I believe you know my partner Elle.”
“Wait, partner?” She blinked. “I thought she was with Greg.” Finally her eyes left Penn and locked on mine. “You got two men now, Ding Dong Bell? A little greedy don’t you think?” Her giggle sounded forced and fake.
I wanted to sink into the ground and never reappear.
I waited for Penn to mock the nickname, just like Greg had. But he stood cold and primitive, a velvet purr falling from his mouth. “She only has one. Believe me, all she needs is me.”
I opened my mouth to reply but Penn squeezed me, keeping me silent. His arm was a hot band controlling me and making me wet in equal measure.
The other girls from school slowly looked up from their conversations, paying attention while trying to appear uninterested.
They didn’t fool me or Penn as he smiled his signature sexy smirk and grabbed my chin. His lips planted on mine in a brutal kiss, bruising me, consuming me as his tongue took liberties and his power stole all my remaining breath.
He made me stupid.
He made me proud.
The instant I lost the tension in my spine, he let me go—almost as if he’d kissed me deliberately to keep me out of my head and in my body with him.
“Are you going to tell them the good news, or shall I?” His authoritative tone blended with a dark flirt.
I blinked. “Tell them what?”
I was one step behind. I couldn’t catch up. I’d never been that way before. I’d always been the boss, leading. I didn’t know if I liked being the follower.
“Tell them you’ve decided to let me own you.”
“Wait, what?” Chloe’s mouth hung open. “What does that mean?”
I shook my head, rubbing the sudden goosebumps on my arms. Penn said we were playing a game. And yet I didn’t know the rules or what was expected.
He answered for me again. “We met a few days ago and it was love at first sight.” He dragged me close, his eyes black. “It took some convincing but Elle has agreed to give me a chance.” He glanced at Chloe, filling his handsome face with ardent satisfaction. “She said yes.”
“Yes to what?” Frankie appeared, eyeing Penn from his black shoes to his five o’ clock shadow.
“Yes to marrying me.”
The world screeched to a halt.
I flinched, trying to tear myself from Penn’s embrace.
He held me tighter, his fingers sinking like keys into my arms, turning a lock, keeping me bound to him and useless.
Chloe’s mouth hung open. “Wow, Elle, I never knew—”
“Never knew she was the sexiest woman alive?” Penn snarled with sudden viciousness. “Never knew she worked so damn hard, first for her father and now for thousands of employees around the world? Never knew she was one of the richest women alive? Never knew that she was ten times the fucking woman you’ll ever be?”
Whoa, this was too much. Too fast. Too scary. Too far out of my comfort zone.
Yes to marrying him?
I never agreed to that.
I’d agreed to sex.
Stupid, silly, sensual sex.
And now it’s time to say no.
I tore myself from his embrace, my body shaking. “Stop. That’s not true. Don’t spread such lies.” I stared helplessly at Chloe whose face had turned snow white. “I’m so sorry. Ignore him. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. We’ve only just got together. We’re not engaged. He’s not—”
“What my fiancé here is trying to say—” Penn interrupted. “Is she’s too kind-hearted to rub her success in your face even though you do the same to her. I don’t need to hear stories of what it was like to grow up with you. I see her and I see you and I understand the shadow you made her exist in. But not anymore.”
His teeth flashed as he snarled, “I’m stealing her from you now. From all of you. She’s mine. And it’s a sad loss that you never figured out what an incredible creature you had under your noses the entire time.”
Greg sidled up, hate stares fired at Penn.
“That includes you.” Penn pointed at him. “I don’t know how long you’ve known each other but you fucked up.” He laughed low. “You’ll never get her back because she’ll never be the same once I’ve had her.”
My cheeks turned into flames of hell. I ducked my chin, doing my best to hide. I wanted the club to vanish and Penn to disintegrate into dust.
Words and curses tangled to spew at him but he pulled me from the crowd, away from cringe-worthy declarations, away from high-school trolls and wanna-be boyfriends, and through the nightclub to the fresh air outside.
I managed a few gulps of oxygen before he yanked me down the alleyway between the nightclub and a restaurant and slammed me against the brick wall.
Quicksilver memories of another alleyway and another man once upon a time tried to twist my present with my past, and then it had no power as Penn’s lips crashed over mine and he kissed me.
He kissed me and then he kissed me.
Each swipe of his tongue blasted through my decorum, dragging alive the sexual being inside who’d never been allowed to evolve.
His right hand bunched my dress up my leg. My brain tried to split—to focus on the foot traffic only a few metres away and not on the blistering heat of his fingertips on my inner thigh.
And then nothing else mattered as his touch found my core, pushing against my underwear.
He didn’t ask permission.
He didn’t pull back to see if I was okay with this.
He merely kissed me and fingered me over the lace.
All I wanted to do was to let go. To trust in the magic he created in my blood and allow him to be as arrogant as he wanted. To take charge.
But I couldn’t.
I couldn’t let him get away with what he’d said. His lies. His verbal telling off to people I had to converse with.
He was far too brash and daredevil for my world.
His mouth kept working mine, dragging a moan deep from my lungs.
I had a second before I drowned under his powerful wave and lost myself. A second and then I would be gone and I couldn’t blame anyone but myself.
So I bit him.
My teeth sank into his lip, not holding back as I did the only thing I could to slow things down and breathe.
He stumbled backward, holding his bottom lip where a bead of blood welled. “Fuck.”
My ribcage rose and fell. I sucked in gasps, giving in to the slight hysteria he’d caused. I held up a shaky finger. “Don’t touch me.”
“Touch you? Fuck, I own you.”
My plait caught like Velcro on the bricks behind me as I shook my head. “No, you don’t.”
His eyes etched with black. “You said yes, remember?”
“Yes to a beneficial sexual relationship. Not to damn marriage!”
He chuckled. “That’s what’s got you afraid? Marriage? I have no intention of marrying you.”
I frowned. “Then why lie about it?”
“Why not?” He shrugged. “Why do other people have to know exactly what we do and who we are? Why do they have to hear our truth when they’re so fucking fake themselves?”
I hated that he had a point.
He placed a hand on the brick wall by my head, his body swaying into mine. If he touched me again, I doubted I’d have the willpower to stop him. My clit still throbbed from his touch, the echoing bands of release a phantom cry in my veins.
“Stay back.”
He lowered his head, a tight smile on his lips. “Fine.” Holding his hands up in surrender, he kept his distance but didn’t move away. “What will it take for you to let me touch you again?” His voice dropped to sand and sleet. “Because I really want to touch you again, Elle.”
I shivered, doing my best to keep my thoughts focused and not on the molten heat inside. Having him so close didn’t help. He’d been gorgeous in the club—dappled in strobes and painted in shadows—but out here; out here where the vague lights of apartments and street lamps didn’t dare enter the sanctity of the alleyway, he was cloaked in darkness.
His shoulders strained against the stitches of his suit. His forearms ropy and tanned with his cuffs pushed up. His entire body flexed as he waved a hand with feline grace, hiding the throbbing tension between us, pretending he hadn’t just fired my libido to the point of excruciation.
“I’m not answering anymore of your questions,” I hissed. “Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?”
Sighing heavily, his lips pouted, blood smeared a little to make him seem part vampire. “You already know what I want.”
“But who are you?”
“I’m someone you can be free with.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
“It means you don’t need to be afraid of me.”
I clasped my hands together, seeking comfort from myself. Fighting with a strange man—even one who’d touched and kissed me—in an empty alleyway wasn’t exactly encouraged. “I’m not afraid of you.”
He cocked his head, his throat muscles tight and tense. “Are you sure about that?”
“I’m not sure about anything anymore.”
He ran a hand through his hair, disrupting the strands into a mess. “Isn’t that the point?”
“Stop answering everything with a question.”
“Fine.” He stood tall, his legs spread with dominion. “You said yes to me. I won’t let you take that back. But I will try to ease your mind.” His face tightened as if this game had higher stakes for him than he let on. “I’ll only say this once so listen carefully. I will lie to others about us. I will paint a picture that isn’t true for people who wish to know what we do. I will curse and hurt and do whatever I damn well want, but you have my word on one thing.”
My voice carried on a hesitant whisper. “What word?”
“That I won’t lie to you. What you see from me will be the honest fucking truth. I’ll only hurt you if you want me to hurt you and I’ll protect you even while I do it. Give me yourself, let me take control, and I promise you, you’ll enjoy it.”

About the Author
Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.
STALK Pepper: Website | Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter | Blog | Goodreads
Sunday, December 18, 2016

NEW & 99 CENTS: Review of Something There In Between by S. Ferguson

Check out my review of Something There In Between by S. Ferguson.  I still can't believe this is her debut romance novel!  
Kindle Crack Book Reviews

Something There In Between by S. Ferguson
Publication Date: December 19th, 2016
Genre: Contemporary Romance
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After a life full of cruelty, Bree is left with no one to turn to—except him.
Declan, who's suffered his own fair share of tragedy, sees the girl on the park bench with the sad eyes and Converse shoes as a kindred spirit —and a chance to redeem himself. He couldn't save his mother. Maybe he can save her.
But is Bree too broken to let him in?
Declan may be her only hope for solace, if he's strong enough to break down her walls. Will she risk letting him in ... or let her pain consume her?

This book is intended for readers 18 and older. It contains violence and references of rape and child abuse.

Purchase Links:

Meet S. Ferguson:
S. Ferguson is a military wife and mother of three. She loves to find beauty in the flawed and broken.

Connect with S. Ferguson

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Join S. Ferguson’s Reader Group: 

Something There In BetweenSomething There In Between by S.   Ferguson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
“As much as I try to, I can’t hold on to this hopeful place; it’s always just out of reach, giving me a small piece of heaven in between my moments of pain. This is why I’m still alive. The something there in between will never let me end this, emerging when I need it the most, then vanishing as quickly as it arrives.”

I can’t believe that Something There In Between is S. Ferguson’s debut novel! Wow. This slow building romance between a young woman who feels that she is isn’t worthy of love and a man with his own emotional baggage is hard to read at times. This book is packed with a lot of heartbreak and raw emotion. Please make sure to check out the authors’ warning about sensitive material. I can’t wait to see what this author does next.

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon, Pinterest, Google+ and Twitter. A review copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

NEW EROTIC ROMANCE ALERT: Separation Games by CD Reiss

Social Butterfly PR and CD Reiss are thrilled to unveil the cover for Separation Games, the highly anticipated conclusion to the New York Times Bestselling novel, Marriage Games. 

Kindle Crack Book Reviews
I would highly suggest reading this two book series in order.
Separation Games (The Games Duet #2)
Author: CD Reiss 
Publication Date: January 3, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Erotic Romance 
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"CD Reiss writes the best erotica I have ever read." ~ Meredith Wild, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Hacker Series


The stunning conclusion to the New York Times Bestseller. 

There’s one, unbreakable rule in the game.
Stay collected. Compartmentalize. Think your next move through. Never let your heart dictate your tactics. 

The heart is impulsive. 
The heart makes bad decisions. 
The heart doesn’t see the long game. 

Because the heart may have decided to get Adam back, but when the endgame comes, the heart’s going to be the first thing to break.


About the Author 

Kindle Crack Book Reviews
CD Reiss is a USA Today and Amazon bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn't pick up, she's at the well, hauling buckets.

Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master's degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere, but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels.

Critics have dubbed the books "poetic," "literary," and "hauntingly atmospheric," which is flattering enough for her to put it in a bio, but embarrassing enough for her not to tell her husband, or he might think she's some sort of braggart who's too good to chop a cord of wood.

If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.

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Kindle Crack Book Reviews


COVER REVEAL - Hollywood Prince by Kim Karr

 Hollywood Prince is a sexy, standalone, contemporary romance about a bad boy and the off-limits girl who steals his heart. I can't wait to get Hollywood Prince on my Kindle!

Kindle Crack Book Reviews
Hollywood Prince by Kim Karr
Release Date: January 2, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover designer: Michele Catalano-Creative
Model: Andrew Biernat
Add to Goodreads: https:

Brooklyn James should know better. Born into Hollywood royalty, the brooding prince has a reputation as being a player.

A manwhore. A womanizer.
Adoring fans are his thing.
His best friend’s little sister is not.
Even thinking about her the way he is isn’t cool.
Not cool at all.

And yet every time she pouts those sexy lips at him, she turns him inside out. Makes him harder than he’s ever been. Drives him to the brink of insanity.
Amelia Waters has always idolized her big brother, and the last thing she wants to do is disappoint him.

Falling for her brother’s ex-roommate is off-limits.

She knows this, but she can’t help herself.

The way Brooklyn looks at her with those smoldering blue eyes makes her wet in an instant. Turns her into a shivering, shaking mess of sexual frustration. And soon the idea of spreading her legs for him is the only thing she can think about.

She wants him.

He wants her.

When they finally decide to give in to their insane attraction, they agree it will remain between them. That their illicit affair will be short-term. No strings. No baggage. No messy ending.

But when the first night of mind-blowing sex leads to another, and another still, how long can the endless hookups go on before Amelia’s brother finds out? Or worse yet, before feelings develop?

Brooklyn and Amelia know they need to walk away from each other before either of those things happens.

The problem is doing it.
Talk about a mess.

Hollywood Prince is a sexy, standalone, contemporary romance about a bad boy and the off-limits girl who steals his heart.

Pre-Order Links:

About the Author:
Reader * Writer * Coffeelover * Romantic

Kim is a daydreamer. So much so that if daydreaming could be a hobby it would be her favorite. It's how her stories are born and how they take root. An imagination that runs wild is something to be thankful for, and she is very thankful.
She grew up in New York and now lives in Florida with her husband and four kids.

She’s always had a love for reading books and writing. Being an English major incollege, she wanted to teach at the college level but that was not to be. She went on to receive an MBA and became a project manager until quitting to raise her family. Kim currently works part-time with her husband and with the rest of her time embraces one of her biggest passions-- writing.

Kim wears a lot of hats! Writer, book-lover, wife, soccer-mom, taxi driver, and the
all around go-to person of her family. However, she always finds time to read.

She likes to believe in soul mates, kindred spirits, true friends, and Happily-Ever-Afters. She loves to drink champagne, listen to music, and hopes to always stay
young at heart.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

NEW RELEASE REVIEW: Jaded Hearts (Loaded Replay Series #1) by Harper Sloan

Check out my review of Jaded Hearts by Harper Slone.  Corps Security fans are going to love this one.
Kindle Crack Book Reviews

Loaded Replay Series 
By Harper Sloan
Release date: 12/13/16

Signing with Brighthouse Records was supposed to be everything we ever wanted—our better life. Our chance at everything we never had but always wanted. All our dreams would finally come true and we were on top of the world. It was our chance at the happiness we never had in life.
Our every desire was at our fingertips and the power of that feeling was all consuming. But then it took every dream we thought would come true and it slapped us in the face with the cold hard reality.
Dreams were just that…something that floated on the cusp of untouchable, taunting you with every graze of your fingertips before slipping even further away.
Happiness…that feeling is a joke.
In the end it became painfully obvious that each of us would always have each other, but we would forever be alone.

Review of Jaded Hearts:
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Jaded Hearts is the first book in the Loaded Hearts series. Wrenlee, the sassy and sexy lead singer of Loaded Replay, falls for her hot security guard. Chance, a Corps Security employee, is hired to protect Wrenlee from crazy fans and paparazzi. Their sexual chemistry is nuclear hot and fast. Chance and Wrenlee are both jaded about relationships and have some emotional baggage to deal with. That's all I'm going to say, so I don't give the plot away.

“You might think you will, but mark my words, I will have you, and you’re going to love it. Every. Single. Second. If I can put my fears aside to just take this chance and open myself up to your rejection time and time again, then you can do the same and stop letting whatever hurt you before stand in the way of your life.”

Corps Security series fans are going to love Chance and all of his alpha hotness. What a great start to a new and promising series.

This review appears on Goodreads, Amazon, Pinterest, Google+ and Twitter. A review copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

About the Author:
Harper is a NEW YORK TIMES, WALL STREET JOURNAL and USA TODAY bestselling author residing in Georgia with her husband and three daughters. She has a borderline unhealthy obsession with books, hibachi, tattoos and Game of Thrones. When she isn't writing you can almost always find her with a book in hand.
Facebook Website Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Goodreads | Amazon Author Page

Kindle Crack Book Reviews

Goddamn, that smile is dangerous.
Who am I kidding?  He is dangerous.  
I do my best to ignore him, but it’s impossible.  The steady brush of his arm against where mine is resting on our shared armrest constantly reminds me how much my body wants his touch.  The scent of his delicious cologne hits my senses, making me want to climb in his lap and rub my face over his chest to get a potent lungful of it.  
I can’t even remember the last time I was this horny, which is pathetically sad, since it was probably around the same time I actually got laid.  Years.  I think.  Close to three.  Maybe that’s why I’m a hot mess lately.   I turn my head to study the side of his face and wonder if I can use this situation to my advantage.  I mean, after all, we are in a ‘relationship’ now.
He turns and gives me a questioning arch of his dark brows, but I brush it off in favor of playing Disney Emoji Blitz on my phone.  
By the time we had hit cruising altitude, I could hear the other men around me snoring away but not Chance.  He’s fiddling with his phone, completely ignorant of the fact I’m about to start humping his leg.
“Excuse me,” I breathily say, unbuckling my belt and standing to move around him.  I stand there, my head bent slightly because of the overhead, and wait.  He doesn’t move, though.  Instead, he drops his phone to his lap and gives me his complete attention; his eyes even dance a little like he’s finding this whole damn thing funny.  “Excuse me,” I repeat, no longer breathy, and seconds away from coming.  
No, that’s a lie.  I’m still breathy and very much seconds away from soaking my panties even more than they already are.
His large hands grab my hips, and he guides me down on his lap with no resistance from my treacherous body.
“Not what I meant,” I say through clenched teeth, trying to sound harsh and offended, but I just sound dazed and turned on.  I wiggle in his hold, trying to get free, but he’s too strong for me.
He leans up in his seat, his chest hitting my back and buries his face in my neck.  I’m sure anyone who saw us would see a loving couple who just can’t keep their hands to themselves.  He’s playing a dangerous game, though, because the second the solid, hard length of him presses against my backside, I forget this is supposed to be a game and squirm a little more.  His teeth nip at my shoulder at the same time his groan hits my ears.
“Stop moving, Wren,” he demands, tightening his fingers on my hips.
“You’re the one who put me on your lap.”  I curl my fingers over the empty seat in front of me and squeeze my eyes shut when I feel him growing harder under me.
“Yeah, because the flight attendant who just walked by had her phone out and pointed right at us.  She’s doing a shit job of making it look like she’s doing something with her paperwork.”  His hand comes off my hip, and he cups my jaw, turning my head to the side just when I was about to look up at where I last saw the attendant, forcing me to shift until all it would take is me throwing one leg over his body to be face-to-face.  “Do not look at her,” he stresses; the sudden movement of twisting my body makes me bounce slightly in his lap, rubbing my legging-clad ass against his erection.  His eyes drop to my mouth where I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and groan.
“Give me a reason not to look,” I dare him.
“You don’t want to go down that road, Wren.  I’ll protect you from the world, but you need to protect yourself from me.” 
“No one is asking you to.”
Not even knowing if we’re still being watched, I twist my torso the rest of the way, pulling my legs up until they’re bent at his stomach between us.  Now that I’m facing him completely, I bring my hands up to curl them both around his shoulders before dragging them up to wrap around the corded muscles at the sides of his neck.  His nostrils flare, but he doesn’t stop me.  I give him the chance, but it never comes.  Dropping my head, I press my lips to his.  I explore his lips with small pecks and little licks of my tongue, learning his mouth before pressing more firmly.  He sucks in a breath when I open my mouth and slowly drag the tip of my tongue over his bottom lip.
And then his control snaps.
His hands—still at my hips—lift me effortlessly until my legs are no longer folded between us, but now digging into the hard armrests with my knees pushing into his thighs, my back hitting the seat in front of me.  His mouth opens, and his tongue meets mine, no hesitation whatsoever, as he deepens the kiss.
Our breathing echoes around us, making it sound like everyone on this plane could hear us, but I know it’s just because our faces are so close.  I let out a moan, one that he swallows, that turns into a whine when he pulls back.
“That can’t happen again,” he softly scolds, just as breathless as I am.
What the hell?  I might not have been into this whole fake-boyfriend-slash-bodyguard thing before, but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to take advantage of the situation.  Especially now that I know how alive he makes me feel.  Three years since I had pleasure from anything other than my own hand, and if that kiss is anything to go by, what Chance could make me feel is ten times more powerful than anything I’ve ever felt in my whole life.  
I’m not passing that up.
No fucking way.

“We’ll see about that.”  

COVER REVEAL: Finding Mr. Wrong by A. M. Madden & Joanne Schwehm

I was super lucky to read Finding Mr. Wrong last week.  If this book were to release now instead of February 2017, it would have been on my BEST ROMANCE BOOKS OF 2016 LIST.  Jude Soren will be your next book boyfriend.   This sexy rom-com is going to rock your world.

If you would like to receive e-mail notifications when Finding Mr. Wrong goes live
Kindle Crack Book Reviews

Title: Finding Mr. Wrong
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Authors: A. M. Madden & Joanne Schwehm
Release Date: February 20th
Cover Designer: Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Creative Covers
Model: Kevin Luetolf
Photographer: Nadia Von Scotti




Here’s a tip: never trust a jackass in preppy clothing.

The phrase “trust me” should have been my first clue to hightail it out the door, but hindsight is always 20/20.

So there I was, on a stage with two other men, being asked ridiculous questions by a woman I couldn’t see, but whose voice made my pants tighten—and not around my ankles.

Before I knew what was happening, I'd signed up for six weeks in paradise, isolated on an island for forty-two days with a complete stranger. And when I finally laid eyes on the sexy brunette who belonged to that voice, a part of me thought this wouldn’t be so bad.

I’ve always been a levelheaded guy. I am a successful, smart, and shrewd business man. But that was when I was listening to the head above my shoulders. Once the blood traveled south, I always ran into trouble.

She called me Mr. Wrong, and that was fine with me.

Lesson learned: lust always trumps logic.

A. M. Madden:
A.M. Madden is a USA Today bestselling author, as well as 2016 eLit Gold Medalist for Best Romance Ebook, and 2016 Ippy Award Silver Medalist for Best Romance Ebook. 

A.M. is a wife, a mother, an avid reader of romance novels, and now an author. 
"It's all about the HEA."

A.M. Madden is the author of the popular Back-Up Series, as well as several other contemporary romances. She also writes the True Heroes Series for Random House. 

Her debut novel was Back-up, the first in The Back-Up Series. In Back-Up, A.M.'s main character Jack Lair caused readers to swoon. They call themselves #LairLovers, and have been faithful supporters to Jack, as well to the rest of his band, Devil's Lair. 

A.M. truly believes that true love knows no bounds. In her books, she aspires to create fun, sexy, realistic romances that will stay with you after the last page has been turned. She strives to create characters that the reader can relate to and feel as if they know personally. 

A self-proclaimed hopeless romantic, she loves getting lost in a good book. She also uses every free moment of her time writing, while spending quality time with her three handsome men. A.M. is a Gemini and an Italian Jersey girl, but despite her Zodiac sign, nationality, or home state, she is very easy going. 
She loves the beach, loves to laugh, and loves the idea of love.

Joanne Schwehm:
Joanne is a mother and wife and loves spending time with her family. She’s an avid sports watcher and enjoys the occasional round of golf.

Joanne loves to write and read romance. She believes everyone should have romance in their lives and hopes her books bring joy and happiness to readers who enjoy modern day fairy tales and breathless moments.

She is an independent romance author and has written several contemporary romance novels, including The Prescott Series, Ryker, A Heart’s Forgiveness, The Critic and The Chance series which she has recently sold the screenplay rights to and will be adapted into a movie which is currently titled, Accidental Hearts.

Joanne looks forward to sharing more love stories in her future novels.

A. M. Madden:
Twitter:  |@ammadden1
Newsletter: on website home page

Joanne Schwehm:
Twitter: | @JSchwehmBooks
Amazon Author Page:

Kindle Crack Book Reviews

Monday, December 12, 2016


Check out Nothing Special by A.E. Vie.  This book can be read as a standalone.  The other titles in this series are on sale for 99 cents! 

Link to sale: 

Don't forget to enter A's giveaway to win a copy of the series and a cool 2017 calendar!

Kindle Crack Book Reviews
Title:  Nothing Special V
Cover Artist – Jay Aheer
Release Date: December 12, 2016
Goodreads Link:

Note from A.E. Via: Surprise, surprise! *winking* 
Believe me, this was not intentional, but I couldn’t wait any longer either. I’m too excited to have this series back going again. I think I may have missed them just as much as you. And they’re all here. This book isn’t just about God and Day’s wedding, or about the sexy, dangerous, new recruit; instead I catch you up on everyone. Including bringing back a couple of fan favorites. This installment can standalone, but if you have the urge to catch up on the others, they’re on sale right now!  I hope you’ll drop me a couple lines when you finish, and let me know what you think. 

The boys are back and fiercer than ever!

"We were a unit tonight, moving as one. Even apart, we are deadly, but when combined – we are f**kin’ unstoppable." ~~ God ~~

Atlanta's notorious narcotics task force is at it again. They are stronger, bigger, and better than ever. Especially when a city councilman sends RECON Marine, Edwin Steele - who’s been blacklisted from his Oakland department - to join the team. God and Day weren't recruiting. They have a lot on their plates, like the fact they're supposed to be getting married soon. They don't have the time or the patience to integrate a decorated war hero with a slight chip on his shoulder into their well-oiled machine. 

A hothead that's uncontrollable and terrible with authority… but wasn’t that their team motto?

Steele was ready to hang up his shield. He was done fighting with bigoted bastards that couldn't respect the job. He was good at fighting; he just needed the right team to fight with. When his uncle - City Councilman, Rasmus Steele - shows him a video of God's team in action, he knows right away, it's where his nephew belongs in order to restore his faith. 

Steele pointed to the driver, a behemoth of a man wielding those massive firearms like a true beast… like a soldier. “And him. Who the hell is he?”

“That’s your new boss. Lieutenant Cashel Godfrey… they call him… God.”

Steele was skeptical about his new placement, but when he meets God's technology specialist/computer genius, “Tech,” he's willing to give it his all, and he definitely shows and proves.

Tech is stunning. His sweater vest and khakis, a stark contrast to the blue-jeaned roughnecks he works with. A beautiful sheep amongst the wolves. Steel thinks there's no way the brilliant man would be interested in a hardhead like him, but Tech has a few badass hidden talents of his own and manages to surprise him... surprise all of them. 

This story is a part of a series but can stand alone. It does not end on a cliffhanger and has a HEA. There are no multiple pairings in this novel. 

A.E. Via is an author in the beautiful gay romance genre and also founder and owner of Via Star Wings Books. Her writing embodies everything from hopelessly romantic to adventure, to scandalous. Her stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths.
When she’s not clicking away at her laptop, she devotes herself to her family—a husband and four children. Adrienne Via has tons of more stories to tell, but she really would like to hear yours. Via Star Wings Books is currently accepting submissions for established and aspiring LGBTQ authors. 

Visit my site to learn more! Go to A.E. Via’s official website  for more detailed information on how to contact her, follow her, or a sneak peak on upcoming work, free reads, VSWB submissions, and where she’ll appear next.

Author Official Website:
A.E. Blog:
Facebook Author Page:


Steele looked at his watch. It was going on five. He figured if he disappeared for a little while and popped back up before the cake cutting, no one would know. He had to do something to loosen the tightening in his slacks. Tech had the audacity to show up in a dark royal blue suit with velvet lapels – which appeared black in dim lighting – and matching blue suede loafers. And he’d be damned, Tech had on a goddamn bow tie made from the same material as the lapels. The pants stopped an inch above his ankles and Steele could see he wasn’t wearing socks. He took another swig of his drink and placed the glass back on the counter, one of the kitchen staff snatching it right up. 
He walked over to Tech, not interrupting whatever he was talking about with Free and Furi. When they finished, Steele leaned into Tech’s back. “Come with me.”
Tech turned and looked behind him, giving Steele a skeptical look. Tech knew Steele’s voice. Knew when it was full of want. He took Steele’s hand and let him lead him up the stairs while most of the guests weren’t paying attention to the front of the loft. He really didn’t care if they were seen or not. Steele opened his bedroom door and hurried Tech inside. He closed and locked the door, then stepped back so he could look at his boyfriend. Steele had long ago shed his borrowed suit jacket and was rolling up his sleeves like he was about to do something serious to Tech.
Neither of them said anything while the sexual tension built around them and saturated the air. Tech leaned against the door, his hand drifting down to the front of his pants, rubbing himself there, like just looking at Steele made him hard. Steele stalked forward and brushed his hand over the bow tie, his eyes hooded, his dick rock hard. He wrapped one arm around Tech’s back, still caressing the fabric of his suit. “You look breathtaking, dressed up like this. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you,” Steele whispered. He methodically removed Tech’s suit jacket but didn’t touch his black dress shirt or that tie. He walked Tech to his bed, watching his eyes behind those frames cloud with lust. 
“Edwin,” Tech moaned, leaning into his neck and sucking at his throat.
Steele growled, easing Tech down on the bed and covering his body, pressing firmly against him. Steele kissed Tech with all the built up passion he’d kept contained for the last eight hours.

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