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Showing posts with label True Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label True Story. Show all posts
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Love Hard: A Memoir by Monica James is LIVE NOW!

Love Hard: A Memoir by Monica James is LIVE NOW!  Check out my spoiler-free review of this wild romance based on the author's real life!  Monica is pictured on the cover.

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Love Hard by Monica James Kindle Crack


If love is an addiction, your first love is the first hit.
How many of you remember your first love?

Because falling in love for the first time…I remember that. And that’s the thing about your first love—we all have a love story.

But this isn’t a love story.
This is a life story.
The good.
The bad.
The heartache.
It’s all here.

Love is truly a battlefield…

Love is scary, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. When you love someone wholeheartedly, you leave yourself open to being destroyed…and that’s what I did, what I still do even though I know better.

But it doesn’t make a difference.

The best kind of love doesn’t make sense. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.

This one-in-a-million story is mine, and if you take anything away from this book, it would be to never be afraid to love.

So, let me introduce myself. You may call me Z.
Buckle up, besties, because this will be a bumpy ride.

Love hits you when you least expect it.

Are you ready for the fall?

Spoiler-free Review:

Love Hard: A MemoirLove Hard: A Memoir by Monica James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love Hard: A Memoir by Monica James is the first book in Monica’s duet. This book is a love letter to anyone that dated a jackass or five. Z, the main character, dated her share, and this is her story. Z’s love life revolved around her writing and a few men - Mr. J, Bossman, S, Bo, and R. Every woman can relate to Z because we have all dated a few “winners.”
Z takes us on a raw, very real, and heartbreaking journey through her love life. Z is perfectly imperfect and maddening at times. I wanted to hug her and shake her at the same time. There were times my heart broke for Z. She learns that she is the most important person in her life, that she needs to love herself more than these men, and that this is her journey.

“This is so fxxxing personal, but it’s a memoir, so for it to be authentic, I had to pull back the layers, and like an onion, all it’s done is make me cry.”

Monica’s heartfelt and turbulent storytelling will make you feel. She also had me giggling about her foot kink and her Times Square fortune teller. If you read and loved 44 Chapters About Four Men by BB Easton, you will devour Love Hard. I have to say I loved both books!

The next book, Love Harder, will be released in September and will focus on new and old loves. Z loves her friends, and she knows I adore her ;)

Love Hard Monica James Video Review Kindle Crack

Monday, October 8, 2018

COVER REVEAL: Suit by BB Easton

I'm dying DYING to read Suit by BB Easton book. I met Ken and BB Easton at a book signing and LOVE all of her books. Suit is a standalone in the 44 Chapters series and will release on 10/18.Kindle Crack Book Reviews Blog

Title: SUIT
Series: 44 Chapters 

Author: BB Easton

Release: October 18

SUIT Synopsis:
Because BB Easton had so much fun writing her bestselling, award-winning memoir, 44 CHAPTERS ABOUT 4 MEN, she decided to give each of her four men his own steamy standalone. SUIT is Ken's book—the hilarious, heartwarming tale of how BB finally got over her bad boy phase and found happily ever after with…gasp…a guy in a tie.

“Since when are you into guys in ties? You only like guys who look like they rob guys in ties. At gunpoint.”

It was true. By 2003, my type had been well-established. There might as well have been a giant sign on my heart that said, “Good Guys Need Not Apply.”

Which is exactly why I had to friendzone Ken Easton. The man was a former football star, smelled like fresh laundry instead of stale cigarettes, and had more ties in his closet than tattoos on his knuckles. Pssh. BOR-ING.

But the more I got to know my hunky study buddy, the more questions I came away with. Questions like, why doesn’t he date? Why does he avoid human touch? Why does he hate all things fun and wonderful? The psychology student in me became obsessed with getting inside Ken’s head, while the spoiled brat in me became obsessed with getting inside his heart.

In 2003, I found the one thing I love more than bad boys…

A good challenge.

*SUIT is Book 4 in the 44 CHAPTERS ABOUT 4 MEN spin-off series, but it can be read as a complete standalone.
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About BB Easton:
BB Easton lives in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia with her long-suffering husband, Ken, and two adorable children. She recently quit her job as a school psychologist to write stories about her punk rock past and deviant sexual history full-time. Ken is suuuper excited about it.


Monday, August 29, 2016

NEW RELEASE REVIEW: Author Anonymous by E.K. Blair

Author Anonymous is LIVE! Read my spoiler-free review.  This is a standalone/no cliffhanger.  THIS IS A TRUE STORY! WOW!

AUTHOR ANONYMOUS: A True Story told through the voice of E.K. Blair
(a non-series STAND-ALONE book)
Genre: Romance/Drama/Non-Fiction
Release Date: August 29, 2016
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A TRUE STORY told through the voice of New York Times Bestselling Author, E.K. Blair.

She’s an author.
She’s a mother.
She’s a wife.
She’s a fraud. 

A woman marked and bound by her own deceit, this is the astounding tale of how one choice knocked her world from its axis forcing her to battle through a year of scandal and betrayal, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. 

This is an intoxicatingly risqué stand-alone true story tangled in lust, heartbreak, and contrition.

About E.K. Blair
New York Times, USA Today, and International bestselling author, E.K. Blair, takes her readers on an emotional roller coaster with her books. A former first grade teacher with an imagination that runs wild. Daydreaming and zoning out is how she was often found in high school. Blair tends to drift towards everything dark and moody and has been noted as 'The Queen of Dark and Twisted'. Give her a character and she will take pleasure in breaking them down, digging into their core to find what lies underneath.

Aside from writing, E.K. Blair finds pleasure in music, drinking her Starbucks in peace, and spending time with her friends. She's a thinker, an artist, a wife, a mom, and everything in between.

E.K. Blair New York Times Best-Selling Author
Fading Series
Black Lotus Series
Author Anonymous: A True Story

Author AnonymousAuthor Anonymous by E.K. Blair
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Title: Author Anonymous
Author: E.K. Blair
Release Date: August 29, 2016
No cliffhanger

It started off as character research and idea building for a book. Little did Anonymous know that she was one click away from a collision course that would alter her life forever.

Reading Anonymous' story was equivalent to watching a car crash in slow motion. You need to see what's happening. It’s morbid and a shock to your system. It’s wrong, but it’s a view you can't look away from. The wreckage. The aftermath. The collateral damage. The horror of it all. You want to turn away, but you can’t turn away and not know what happens. That’s how I felt reading while reading this book. I couldn’t turn away and put this book down if I tried. Author Anonymous is utterly unputdownable. I'm still thinking about this book a week after reading it.

E.K. Blair captured the heart and soul of Anonymous’ intense downward spiral into a fantasy world. It's a world that all of us book lovers can relate to on some level. Hell, I have 100 book boyfriends myself. Anonymous’ feelings are served up on a platter. This book is as real and as raw as it gets because it is a true story. The lines of fantasy and reality are blurred. It’s not a pretty story. It’s heartbreaking, scandalous and addicting. The emotions E.K. harnessed on each and every page are a force to be reckoned with. This is real as it gets. If you can't deal with cheating, this book is not for you.

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon, Pinterest, Google+ and Twitter. A review copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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