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Showing posts with label Monica James. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monica James. Show all posts
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Love Hard: A Memoir by Monica James is LIVE NOW!

Love Hard: A Memoir by Monica James is LIVE NOW!  Check out my spoiler-free review of this wild romance based on the author's real life!  Monica is pictured on the cover.

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Love Hard by Monica James Kindle Crack


If love is an addiction, your first love is the first hit.
How many of you remember your first love?

Because falling in love for the first time…I remember that. And that’s the thing about your first love—we all have a love story.

But this isn’t a love story.
This is a life story.
The good.
The bad.
The heartache.
It’s all here.

Love is truly a battlefield…

Love is scary, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. When you love someone wholeheartedly, you leave yourself open to being destroyed…and that’s what I did, what I still do even though I know better.

But it doesn’t make a difference.

The best kind of love doesn’t make sense. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.

This one-in-a-million story is mine, and if you take anything away from this book, it would be to never be afraid to love.

So, let me introduce myself. You may call me Z.
Buckle up, besties, because this will be a bumpy ride.

Love hits you when you least expect it.

Are you ready for the fall?

Spoiler-free Review:

Love Hard: A MemoirLove Hard: A Memoir by Monica James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love Hard: A Memoir by Monica James is the first book in Monica’s duet. This book is a love letter to anyone that dated a jackass or five. Z, the main character, dated her share, and this is her story. Z’s love life revolved around her writing and a few men - Mr. J, Bossman, S, Bo, and R. Every woman can relate to Z because we have all dated a few “winners.”
Z takes us on a raw, very real, and heartbreaking journey through her love life. Z is perfectly imperfect and maddening at times. I wanted to hug her and shake her at the same time. There were times my heart broke for Z. She learns that she is the most important person in her life, that she needs to love herself more than these men, and that this is her journey.

“This is so fxxxing personal, but it’s a memoir, so for it to be authentic, I had to pull back the layers, and like an onion, all it’s done is make me cry.”

Monica’s heartfelt and turbulent storytelling will make you feel. She also had me giggling about her foot kink and her Times Square fortune teller. If you read and loved 44 Chapters About Four Men by BB Easton, you will devour Love Hard. I have to say I loved both books!

The next book, Love Harder, will be released in September and will focus on new and old loves. Z loves her friends, and she knows I adore her ;)

Love Hard Monica James Video Review Kindle Crack

Monday, August 14, 2023

Something Like Normal by Monica James is LIVE

 Something Like Normal by Monica James is LIVE! Check out my spoiler-free review. **Something Like Normal was first published in 2014. It's been revamped, re-edited, and re-covered!**

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New cover: Something Like Normal by Monica James

Something like Normal: Book One

Genre: Dark New Adult Romance

Cover Model: Lochie Carey @lochie_carey

Photographer: Michelle Lancaster @lanefotograf

Cover Designer: Lori Jackson Design @lorilovesbookjackson

Release date: August 14, 2023


I have a secret…

And I’ve kept this secret hidden since I was eight years old. But I’ll no longer allow my past to define me.

A fateful decision has left me a fugitive on the run. I should be afraid, yet I’ve never felt more alive.

My name is Mia Lee, but that person died the night I spilled blood and didn’t feel a thing.

I’m on a Greyhound bus, ready to start a new life. A life that includes finding my mother, who left without a word when I was three.

But I end up meeting four people who change my life forever. And one person, in particular, shakes things up beyond repair.

Quinn Berkeley.

He’s just as damaged as I am. And harbors secrets just as dark as mine. But he gives me hope that living a normal life is within reach.

However, the blood on my hands has forever stained my soul.

No one can outrun their past.

Especially one filled with bitter memories that refuse to remain…dead.

Spoiler-free Review:

Something like Normal (Something like Normal, #1)Something Like Normal by Monica James
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Something Like Normal by Monica James was first published in 2014. This updated version has been re-edited and has a gorgeous new cover. I remember reading this book in 2014 and equally enjoyed the latest version. Something Like Normal is a new adult romantic suspense. Mia is a young girl who escaped from her drug addict-turned-pimp father. She settles in a new place far away from her tumultuous past. After building a new life, her dark and deadly past comes back to haunt her. This book ends with a doozy of a cliffhanger. The second book in this series will release in October.

Title: Something Like Normal (Book #1)
Author: Monica James
Release Date: May 13, 2014
Rating: 4.5 – 5.00 stars
Cliffhanger: Yes
Spoiler-free review

A review copy was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Mia’s life sucks. She has been a drug trafficker for her father and his dealer since she was eight years old. Her father’s drug addiction and money issues have spiraled out of control. He tells Mia that he is going to pimp her to his dealer to cover his debts. After making a split second decision to kill her drug addict dad, she goes on the run. Mia goes MIA (Missing In Action). She boards a bus to a random place and hopes to land on her feet and locate her mom. Mia assumes a new identity and calls herself Paige.

She lands two legitimate jobs and the hearts of two brothers. Quinn has his own share of issues and isn’t quick to share them with Paige. She starts to fall for Quinn and everything seems to be normal…but life has a way of being anything by normal for these two misfits. Can they hide in plain site from their pasts and their feelings for each other?

I am a huge fan of Monica James and LOVE her first two books in the Surrender series. This book is different from her other books but equally as good. I have to say that I did not fully get into this story until about 35% of the way in. I thought I had these characters and the plot figured out, and I was so wrong. Especially Paige…she is a badass with a heart of gold. SLN is not your typical romance story and has a nice mix of suspense, drama, and tension. I love the way Monica crafted these characters. They are banged up from life, and their story is raw and full of emotional obstacles. There is nothing about Quinn and Paige that is predictable in any way. Paige and Quinn are both two lost souls, who are broken and flawed in many ways from their pasts…but maybe they will one day have a normal life…or Something Like Normal. There is a clifffreakinhanger of an ending. Arghhhh….what an ending!!!! I would be a little perturbed if it weren't for the fact that Monica’s books are worth the wait, and she has not disappointed me yet! One-click this one.

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon, and Twitter.


Monica James spent her youth devouring the works of Anne Rice, William Shakespeare, and Emily Dickinson.

When she is not writing, Monica is busy running her own business, but she always finds a balance between the two. She enjoys writing honest, heartfelt, and turbulent stories, hoping to leave an imprint on her readers. She draws her inspiration from life.

She is a bestselling author in the U.S.A., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, and the U.K.

Monica James resides in Melbourne, Australia, with her wonderful family, and menagerie of animals. She is slightly obsessed with cats, chucks, and lip gloss, and secretly wishes she was a ninja on the weekends.

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Follow Monica:





Instagram: @authormonicajames

TikTok: @authormonicajames



Reader Group:

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Kindle Book Review: Love Sick by Monica James is LIVE!

Love Sick (Heart Memory Transfer #2) by Monica James is LIVE! Check out my spoiler-free review below. This book is twisted! *𝙆𝘾𝘽𝙍 𝙇𝙇𝘾 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬. 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙖 𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩/𝙖𝙙.

Love Sick by Monica James ebook Kindle Crack

All I want is revenge.

But I’m afraid it will destroy me because I’m not a monster.

Or maybe I am.

And that’s thanks to Doctor Alanna Norton.

She’s tortured me.

She’s made me forget who I am.

And she’s done all this in the name of love.

But the love I feel for my son, who was stolen from me, will triumph. I won’t accept any other outcome.

There is another love which I will fight for—Dutch Atwood.

But what I find…the sting of betrayal lingers. I look at Dutch through new eyes; he doesn’t trust me, and I don’t trust him.

I’m faced with so many scenarios—I wish I knew how this story ends so I can make the right choice.

But there is no right in the hand I was dealt.

Alanna wants love so badly, so I intend to show her what true love looks like, because the only thing that matters is getting out of here…but not before I take from Alanna what she took from me.

Her heart.








Spoiler-free Review:

Love SickLove Sick by Monica James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Hold on tight because Love Sick (Heart Memory Transfer #2) by Monica James will take you on a dark, twisted rollercoaster ride you will never forget! Just when I thought Monica's books couldn't go darker. SHE WENT DARKER. Love Sick was SICK! I binge-read this unputdownable book in a day! Love Sick is not for the faint of heart. Prepare yourself for a whirlwind of gore and dysfunctional love that will leave you reeling. Please read Monica's author's note, which provides trigger-related information. If you're a fan of the dark romance trope, then this book is for you. Love Sick is an absolute gem that shines in its dark brilliance.

Series order:
Heart Sick (Heart Memory Transfer Duet #1)
Love Sick (Heart Memory Transfer #2) by Monica James


Monica James spent her youth devouring the works of Anne Rice, William Shakespeare, and Emily Dickinson.

When she is not writing, Monica is busy running her own business, but she always finds a balance between the two. She enjoys writing honest, heartfelt, and turbulent stories, hoping to leave an imprint on her readers. She draws her inspiration from life.

She is a bestselling author in the U.S.A., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, and the U.K.

Monica James resides in Melbourne, Australia, with her wonderful family, and menagerie of animals. She is slightly obsessed with cats, chucks, and lip gloss, and secretly wishes she was a ninja on the weekends.

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Instagram: @authormonicajames

TikTok: @authormonicajames 



Reader Group:

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Book Review: Heart Sick by Monica James

Heart Sick, an all-new edge-of-your-seat dark romance from International Bestselling author Monica James is available now! Check out my spoiler-free book review below. 

Heart Sick by Monica James ebook cover
Each beat hides a secret, and his voice now replaces the music, demanding I uncover the truth.

Piano has always been my one true love.

So when the music stops, I do whatever I can to hear it again.

But when I wake, all I hear is his heart and the memories that come with it.

This is my body.

My mind.

But not my heart.

Each beat hides a secret, and his voice now replaces the music, demanding I uncover the truth.

I’m sent to a place to get better, and that’s when I meet her.

Every artist needs a muse, and Luna allows me to hear the music again. But when her secrets soon become mine, I realize it’s because I’ve lived this life before.

Or rather, he has.

The man whose heart beats within my chest knows Luna…and everything she’s done.

Start reading today! 


Amazon Worldwide: 




Heart Sick (Heart Memory Transfer Duet: Book One)Heart Sick by Monica James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just finished Heart Sick (Heart Memory Transfer Duet #1) by Monica James, and my head is still spinning from this wicked rollercoaster ride! What the hell did I just read? THAT ENDING!! What a wild and crazy journey full of brilliant twists and turns. This dark psychological romance thriller was equally unique and unputdownable. You can find me rocking in a corner, waiting for the next book. Go into this one blind and experience this story for yourself.

Heart Sick by Monica James video edit Kindle Crack

Monday, June 20, 2022

Book Review: Someone Else’s Shadow by Monica James

Someone Else’s Shadow by Monica James is LIVE!.  Check out my spoiler-free book review of this standalone romantic suspense thriller. 

Someone Else’s Shadow by Monica James Kindle Book

My name is Peyton Lane, and I have no idea who I am.

Six months ago, I woke from a coma with no recollection of anybody, anything.

My family tells me that I’m a good woman, that I’m loved. It seems I’ve lived a full, rewarding life, but I would give all of it up in a heartbeat to remember who I was.

My mind is a blank slate. Every moment in time wiped clean.

But there is one thing I can remember, something I haven’t dared to tell anyone about—a mysterious oak tree, a red ribbon, and a vision of drowning.

I know the answers I seek lie buried at the bottom of a lake. And that’s why I’m here in South Carolina. The memory I have is something I witnessed…

So I wonder what it would feel like to remember…remember who I was, but more importantly, remember what I did.












Someone Else’s Shadow Playlist:

Review of Someone Else's Shadow 

Someone Else's ShadowSomeone Else's Shadow by Monica James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Omg, what did I just read?
Someone Else's Shadow by Monica James is perfection. This multilayered romantic suspense was filled with some well-placed twists and turns, making this book unputdownable. I literally couldn't read this book fast enough. I won't forget this unique memory loss romance any time soon, and neither will you. Don't forget to one-click it on June 20th. Someone Else's Shadow is on my Best of 2022 book list.


Monica James spent her youth devouring the works of Anne Rice, William Shakespeare, and Emily Dickinson.

When she is not writing, Monica is busy running her own business, but she always finds a balance between the two. She enjoys writing honest, heartfelt, and turbulent stories, hoping to leave an imprint on her readers. She draws her inspiration from life. 

She is a bestselling author in the U.S.A., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, and the U.K.

Monica James resides in Melbourne, Australia, with her wonderful family, and menagerie of animals. She is slightly obsessed with cats, chucks, and lip gloss, and secretly wishes she was a ninja on the weekends. 


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Reader Group:

Monday, April 11, 2022

Book Review: Fall of the Stars by Monica James

Fall of the Stars (In Love and War Duet Book 2) is LIVE.  This historical Viking romance is going on my Best of 2022 book list!  Check out my spoiler-free book review below. You must read this series in order. 

North of the Stars (In Love and War Duet Book 1)  Read my review here. You can buy it here

Fall of the Stars by Monica James book cover Kindle Crack

Fall of the Stars

Monica James @authormonicajames

Series: In Love and War Book 2

Genre: Viking Historical Romance

Cover Model: Christopher Jensen @christopher88jensen

Photographer: Michelle Lancaster @lanefotograf

Cover Designer: Sommer Stein—Perfect Pear Creative Covers

Release date: April 11, 2022


England is bleeding.

And there isn’t a thing I can do about it.

I am once again a prisoner to Wessex, captured by King Egbert because holding me hostage will bring

them to him—my two Vikings who will risk heaven and earth to save me.

But I don’t need saving.

I am Princess Emeline, and I was taught by the best, and his name…Skarth the Godless.

The man whom I love more than anything in this world.

But things begin to blur when Ulf the Bloody reminds me of the promise I made, and that promise is that

I belong to him.

We must work together to overthrow King Egbert, but the war I fight within my heart is far more

dangerous than anything I will ever face on the battlefield.

The choice is not simple because we all must make sacrifices. But I soon realize that all is not fair in love

and war.

Lives will be lost.

Hearts will be broken.

And come dawn, life as we know it will be changed forevermore.

Buy Links: Fall of the Stars (In Love and War Duet Book 2) 







Australia Kindle:

Spoiler-free Review

Fall of the StarsFall of the Stars by Monica James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

All of the stars! If you read North of the Stars (In Love and War Duet Book 1) by Monica James, there is no way you aren't reading Fall of the Stars (In Love and War Duet Book 2). I set my expectation level pretty high for the second book. I had a severe case of Duet Anxiety (DA)? I think it's a real thing, lol. Is it when you're about to start reading the second book in a two-book series and stress out that the conclusion isn't going to live up to the excitement of the first book? I'm thrilled to tell you that Fall of the Stars is an epic masterpiece. I feel like I won the book lottery!

I could literally see this story playing out in my head like a movie while reading this book! It gave me all of the Brave Heart movie vibes. You'll know what I'm talking about if you ever watched it. Everything about this book was perfect; the characters, edge of your seat excitement, and the spice factor. I especially loved Emeline. Without a doubt, she's one of the most badass heroines I've ever encountered. She is fierce, loyal, and takes what she wants in a big way! That's all I'm going to say because I want you to experience this book yourself. This duet is on my Best of 2022 book list.


Monica James spent her youth devouring the works of Anne Rice, William Shakespeare, and Emily Dickinson. When she is not writing, Monica is busy running her own business, but she always finds a balance between the two. She enjoys writing honest, heartfelt, and turbulent stories, hoping to leave an imprint on her readers. She draws her inspiration from life. She is a bestselling author in the U.S.A., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, and the U.K.

Monica James resides in Melbourne, Australia, with her wonderful family, and menagerie of animals. She is slightly obsessed with cats, chucks, and lip gloss, and secretly wishes she was a ninja on the weekends.

Stalk Me









Reader Group:

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

This Book Is On My Best of 2021 List

North of the Stars (In Love and War Book 1) by Monica James is LIVE and you need to one-click this historical Viking romance. I'm blown away by this book.  This is the first book in a two-book series.  North of the Stars is on my Best of 2021 List! 

North of the Stars by Monica James Kindle Crack

England is burning.

And the cause…men are too afraid to utter in nothing but a whisper.

The Northmen.

My father is King Eanred.

And me?

I am Princess Emeline.

My father wants to protect our kingdom against the ruthless Vikings who continue to raid England, so he has betrothed me to Aethelwulf, the son of King Egbert of Wessex—the most powerful realm in all of England. Without this union, Northumbria will fall, which is why I must submit. I must do this for my people.

However, it is not in my nature to surrender. So when my father captures the most savage Viking known in our land, I do what no good, God-fearing Christian would do—I help him.

His name…Skarth the Godless.

People fear what they don’t understand, but I will not allow that to control me. Fear makes us blind to the truth, and I refuse to cower because Skarth soon becomes my teacher—in all things. And when his rival, Ulf the Bloody, shatters my world, it becomes clear the lessons have only just begun.

My soul is tarnished.

I am a sinner.

Lord, hear my prayer…

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Apple Books:

North of the StarsNorth of the Stars by Monica James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I first learned about North of the Stars (In Love & War 1), I thought -- Vikings? I typically don’t read historical romances, but I LOVE the author, Monica James, so I decided to read it. I can’t even believe I wavered at the thought of reading this book. The Viking world might be my new character catnip! I literally need the next book like I need my next breath. This book played out like a movie in my head. I got lost in this all-consuming world of heathen Vikings and scandalous medieval royalty. This book was unputdownable, and I didn’t want it ever to end. North of the Stars is a runaway train of revenge, loyalty, and sins of the heart and soul. This complex and intense tale takes on a Braveheart and Game of Thrones 2.0 vibe. North of the Stars is absolute Kindle Crack. This is Monica James at her very best! NotS is on my Best of 2021 book list!

North of the Stars by Monica James Kindle Crack Video Edit

Meet Monica: 

Monica James spent her youth devouring the works of Anne Rice, William Shakespeare, and Emily Dickinson. When she is not writing, Monica is busy running her own business, but she always finds a balance between the two. She enjoys writing honest, heartfelt, and turbulent stories, hoping to leave an imprint on her readers. She draws her inspiration from life.

She is a bestselling author in the U.S.A., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, and the U.K.

Monica James resides in Melbourne, Australia, with her wonderful family, and menagerie of animals. She is slightly obsessed with cats, chucks, and lip gloss, and secretly wishes she was a ninja on the weekends.

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Skimlinks Test