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Showing posts with label Pepper Winters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pepper Winters. Show all posts
Monday, March 28, 2016

GIVEAWAY & SPOILER FREE REVIEW: Unseen Messages by Pepper Winters

Check out my review of Unseen Messages & enter for a chance to win a copy of on release day on 3/30!



Author: Pepper Winters

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: March 30, 2016

Cover Design by Kellie Dennis at Book Cover By Design

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: The following novel is a blend of truth and fable. The messages truly happened; the outcome & subsequent fate did not. This story was inspired by my flight home in 2015. Each thing that happened, happened to me. Each issue and fear was my own experience, right down to the clothes Estelle wears, to what she shoves in her pocket. That’s complete truth. What happened afterward... I’ll let the characters tell you their tale.

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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Writing my spoiler free review now. Pepper just wow!

5.0 stars
Title: Unseen Messages
Authors: Pepper Winters
Release Date: March 30, 2016
No cliffhanger

Note from Author: The following novel is a blend of truth and fable. The messages truly happened; the outcome & subsequent fate did not. This story was inspired by my flight home in 2015. Each thing that happened, happened to me. Each issue and fear was my own experience, right down to the clothes Estelle wears, to what she shoves in her pocket. That’s complete truth. What happened afterward... I’ll let the characters tell you their tale.

Unseen Messages is an epic tale of love, loss and survival. Everything happens for a reason. The writing may be "on the wall" but sometimes we don't see or hear those messages. I’m going to spell out my message to you - READ THIS BOOK. A message in a bottle, a note written on a sandy beach or even a video on a cell phone all can tell a story. Estelle and Galloway's story is screaming to be heard and seen!

This book is very different than Pepper’s other books, but equally as memorable. While this was a sensual journey of heart and soul, it wasn’t all about sex on the beach. Don’t get me wrong. There was plenty of hot weather and hot times on the beach in Fiji. Galloway and Estelle’s pent up sexual chemistry, and the essence of their budding relationship was as combustible as plane fuselage burning up in a dark sky. Pepper’s writing is nothing short of brilliant.

I was captivated from the first to the last page for so many reasons. Like, Pepper and the characters in this book, I identified with all of the intense, raw and emotions that course through your system when you think you are going to die on a flight. It’s happened to me, and it’s an experience I will never forget. The pilot announced on my flight that we lost an engine, were leaking oil, and we were coming down hard and fast and had to prepare for a crash landing. Like Estelle (and Pepper), I lined my pants pockets with a few things I felt I needed to survive (if I survived). What did I take with me? A few Valium (I had a script to combat my existing fear of flying), my drivers license and my American Express card. We were made to leave our carry-on bags and take off our shoes so we wouldn’t crush the skulls of others if we were lucky to use the inflatable door slides to deplane. To this day, I always look out for those “unseen messages” and won’t get on a flight if I feel it’s not meant to be. What is meant to be is that you need to one-click this book by Pepper.

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon, Pinterest, Google+ and Twitter. A review copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Sin and Suffer is finally here!  Check out my review and Q&A with Pepper Winters! Enter for a chance to win a paperback copy of Sin & Suffer (10 copies are available).

"Some say the past is in the past. That vengeance will hurt both innocent and guilty. I never believed those lies. Once my lust for revenge is sated, I'll say goodbye to hatred. I'll find a new beginning."

She came from a past Arthur "Kill" Killian never forgot. She made him sin and made him suffer. She tugged him from the shadows and showed him he wasn't as dead as he thought. And with her resurrection came betrayal, deceit, and war.

But then they took her. Stole her. Imprisoned her.

Now Kill's carefully laid plans for vengeance are complete. He craves action, retribution-the blood of his enemies. War has begun. War is all they'll know until they've paid their penance. He will get her back-and rewrite their destiny . . .

Purchase Links:
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Review of Sin & Suffer

Sin & Suffer by Pepper Winters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.50 Stars
Title: Sin & Suffer (Pure Corruption Book #2)
Author: Pepper Winter
Release Date: January 26, 2016
Series - Two book series

If you read Ruin & Rule (Pure Corruption, Book #1), there isn't a chance in hell that you aren’t reading this book. It’s mandatory reading after that cliffhanger ending!

Kill and Cleo’s story picks up right where Ruin and Rule left off, without skipping a beat. The final book in this series gets into the politics of living an MC way of life and Kill’s true agenda! Pepper crafted an intricate web of revenge that was action-packed, gritty and addictive. Kill and Cleo’s story was written from a dual POV using excerpts from their childhood diaries, which provided a great backdrop for the plot to unfold. This story is complex and no ordinary MC book. Cleo and Kills's story transported me from blood-soaked MC clubs to backroom political drama in Washington; this plot was entirely unique.

I would highly recommend reading this series in order.

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon, Pinterest, Google+ and Twitter. A review copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Q&A with Pepper Winters!

1.  What would readers be surprised to find out about you? 
That I’m really not that interesting. Um…not sure…let’s see. I don’t like tomatoes. That’s a random fact.

2.     Tell us about your writing process. Do you start with an idea or a character? Do you know what’s going to happen from the beginning or do you figure it out as you write?
I have a vague plot line and character script but as I get to know the people I’m writing and the story arc, it normally always changes. It’s great to see characters take control and guide me in a different direction.

3.     Who gave you the one piece of writing advice that sticks with you to this day?
Not particularly spoken piece of advice, but I do remember reading Laini Taylor’s work and ‘clicking’ with her beautiful writing. That was the day I found my voice.

4.     Is there one thing you have to have when writing?
Yes, a glass of icy cold Coke Zero and lots of water.

5.     How did you choose the names of your characters?
I let them choose. I might have place holders in for a while until it comes to me, or browse on baby websites until something clicks.

6.     How has music played a role in your life and in your writing?
Not at all. I have to have complete silence to write. But I love the way some lyrics can tell the soul of my story and list those in the playlists at the back of my work.

7.     When was the moment that you knew you had to be a writer?
When I was about six years old and I wrote a story in my school book that was meant to be math homework.

8.     What can you tell us about your couple, that we won't find in the book?
Oh, not sure. What sort of stuff do you want to know? I guess, you won’t find their generic everyday likes and dislikes. For example, Kill loves coffee black.

9.     Do you have any favorite book boyfriends of your own?
I have too many to count. It wouldn’t be fair to list in case I miss one.

10.  What are five books on your night stand/bookshelf?
Boring ones. I have The Secret, Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) Napoleon Hill (Think Rich) and a renovation guide to large homes.

11.  What’s your favorite quote or scene from your books?
That’s like choosing a favorite child. There are many but I love the scene in the shower with Tess and Q in Monsters in the Dark.

12.  If your couple’s relationship had a theme song, what would it be?
Um, again, I’m not sure. Their emotional growth encaptures so many theme songs.  I kinda suck at this, I know.

13.  Tell us about the cover process. Is this what you had in mind?
Yes, completely. I love an artist that can pluck the idea from your head and make it a reality.

14.  If your book was being made into a movie, who would you include in your dream cast? I’m going to suck on this question too. I honestly don’t know. My characters are unique in my head, so I don’t see them as anyone else. I know if it was ever made into a movie though, whoever was cast would do a great job.

15.  Where do you find inspiration for you writing? Do you use real people/places as a foundation? Yes and no. I tend to get random plot ideas while driving or in the shower. I don’t really use outside influences but let the character guide me to the next chapter etc.

16.  Do you have any hobbies or activities that you enjoy outside of writing? Yes, buying real estate and traveling.

17.  Would the 10 year-old version of yourself kick your butt or praise you for what you've accomplished in life? Praise me. I think I’ve been very lucky and happy with my life so far.

Thanks so much for having me!!

About Pepper Winters
Pepper Winters is a New York Times and USA Todayinternational bestseller. She loves dark romance, star-crossed lovers, as well as the forbidden and taboo. She strives to write a story that makes readers crave what they shouldn't, and delivers complex plots and unforgettable characters that keep readers talking long after the last page is turned.

On a personal note she loves to travel, has an addiction to creme brulee, and is married to an incredible Canadian who puts up with her endless work hours and accompanies her on signings. She's also a firm believer that the impossible can become possible.

Excerpt from Sin & Suffer
There hadn’t been a single moment in the past eight years when I’d awoken and wished I could forget.

Every morning had been a struggle to remember.

Every night a battle between needing to know and needing to forget.

I’d tried to trick my mind into remembering, but either I was too stubborn or too afraid, because it never worked. And . . . as the days turned from hell to heaven and Arthur fell back in love with me, I didn’t really mind that a chunk of my life was missing.

I had him back. Larger than life and even more perfect than any recollection could do justice.

I was content with that.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Cover Reveal - Unseen Messages by Pepper Winters


Author: Pepper Winters

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: Approx Early 2016

Cover Design by Kellie Dennis at Book Cover By Design



There is a message for everything. From handwritten to verbal, seen and unseen. 

Messages exist all around us.

But what if you don't see? 

What if you don't understand?

What if by ignoring the message, your life is never the same again?



Either unnoticeable or obvious, it’s up to us to pay attention. 

I didn’t pay attention. 

Instinct tried to take notice; the world tried to prevent my downfall.

I didn’t listen.

I’ll forever wonder what would’ve happened if I did pay attention to those messages. Would I have survived? Would I have fallen in love? Would I have been happy?

Then again, perhaps just like messages existed, fate existed, too. 

And no matter what life path we choose, fate always has the final say.

I didn’t listen but it doesn’t mean I didn’t live.

I just lived a different tale than the one I’d envisioned. 

Away from my home.

Away from my family.

Away from everything comfortable and familiar.  

But I wasn’t alone…

I was with him. 

And he became my entire universe.


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Pepper Winters is a NYT and USA Today International Bestseller. She wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.

She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends. She's also honoured to wear the IndieReader Badge for being a Top 10 Indie Bestsellers, best BDSM series voted by the SmutClub, and recently signed a two book deal with Grand Central. Her books are currently being translated into numerous languages and will be in bookstores in the near future.

To be the first to know of upcoming releases, please join Pepper's Newsletter (she promises never to spam or annoy you.)


Thursday, July 9, 2015

JUST REVIEWED: RUIN & RULE by Pepper Winters

Get your one-click finger ready. Read my review and chapter one of Ruin & Rule by Pepper Winters.

Meet Killian in Pepper Winter’s new MC Romance!

"We met in a nightmare. The in-between world where time had no power over reason. We fell in love. We fell hard. But then we woke up. And it was over . . ."


She is a woman divided. Her past, present, and future are as twisted as the lies she's lived for the past eight years. Desperate to get the truth, she must turn to the one man who may also be her greatest enemy . . .

He is the president of Pure Corruption MC. A heartless biker and retribution-deliverer. He accepts no rules, obeys no one, and lives only to reap revenge on those who wronged him. And now he has stolen her, body and soul.

Can a woman plagued by mystery fall in love with the man who refuses to face the truth? And can a man drenched in darkness forgo his quest for vengeance-and finally find redemption?

"Ruin & Rule is a full-length book at 436 pages and ends on a cliffhanger. Cleo and Kill's story continues in SIN & SUFFER."

Review of Ruin & Rule
Ruin & Rule (Pure Corruption MC, #1)Ruin & Rule by Pepper Winters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

OMFG I need book 2 now!!!!! I thought I was over the whole biker genre. Not a chance... I'm all in and ruined for other MC books. Full review to follow.


Rating: 5 stars
Spoiler-free review
Title: Ruin & Rule (Book #1)
Author:  Pepper Winters
Release Date: July 7, 2015
Cliffhanger: Yes

I thought I was over the whole biker genre. Not a chance, I'm all in and ruined for other MC books after devouring Ruin & Rule by Pepper Winters.

R&R was unputdownable.  As you can imagine, this biker story isn’t a hearts and flowers love fest.  It’s a gritty and tragic tale of sex, heartbreak, and revenge. Go get “Winterized” and get sucked into Winter’s world of dark and twisted mayhem in Ruin & Rule.  Get your one-click finger ready to go!

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon, Google+ and Twitter. A review copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

We met in a nightmare.
The in-between world where time had no power over rhyme, reason, or connection. We met. We stared. We knew.
There was no distortion from the outside world. No right or wrong. No confusion or battles from hearts and minds.
Just us. In our silent dreamworld.
That nightmare became our home. Planting ghosts, raising fantasies. Entwined together in our happily skewed reality.
We fell in love. We fell hard.
In those fleeting seconds of our nightmare, we lived an eternity.
But then we woke up.
And it was over.

Chapter One
I always believed life would grant rewards to those most worthy. I was fucking naïve. Life doesn’t reward—it ruins. It ruins those most deserving and takes everything. It takes everything all while watching any remaining goodness rot to hate.
That was my world now. Literally and physically.
The back of my skull hurt from being knocked unconscious. My wrists and shoulders ached from lying on my back with my hands tied behind me.
Nothing was broken—at least it didn’t feel that way—but everything was bruised. The fuzziness receded wisp by wisp, parting the clouds of sleep, trying to shed light on what’d happened. But there was no light. My eyes blinked at the endless darkness from the mask tied around my head. Anxiety twisted my stomach at having such a fundamental gift taken away.
I didn’t move, but mentally catalogued my body from the tips of my toes to the last strand of hair on my head. My jaw and tongue ached from the foul rag stuffed in my mouth and my nose permitted a shallow stream of oxygen to enter—just enough to keep me alive.
Fear tried to claw its way through my mind, but I shoved it away. I deliberately suppressed panic in order to assess my predicament rather than lose myself to terror.
Fear never helps, only hinders.
My senses came back, creeping tentatively, as if afraid whoever had stolen me would notice their return.
Sound: the squeak of brakes, the creak of a vehicle settling from motion to stopping.
Touch: the skin on my right forearm stung, throbbing with a mixture of soreness and sharpness. A burn perhaps?
Smell: dank rotting vegetables and the astringent, pungent scent of fear—but it wasn’t mine.
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Third Debt (Indebted #4) by Pepper Winters is LIVE- Sneak Peek Excerpt!

 Third Debt by Pepper Winters is here!

Release Date: April 16, 2015

I’D GIVEN MY heart to my enemy.
I’d fallen.
There was no bottom to my affection. No limit to what I would do to protect it.
Jethro was mine and it was up to me….
…up to me to end this.
I was no longer trying to save myself.
I was trying to save him.
From his nightmares.
From himself.
From them. 

Jethro & Nila Return on April 16th! 
Google Play:

PREORDER Fourth Debt (Indebted #5) NOW

“She healed me. She broke me. I set her free. But we are in this together. We will end this together. The rules of this ancient game can’t be broken.” 

Nila Weaver no longer recognises herself. She’s left her lover, her courage, and her promise. Two debts down. Too many to go. 

Jethro Hawk no longer recognises himself. He’s embraced what he always ran from, and now faces punishment far greater than he feared. 

It’s almost time. It’s demanding to be paid. 

The Third Debt will be the ultimate test... 

Series Reading Order
Debt Inheritance (Indebted #1) FREE

First Debt (Indebted #2) 

Second Debt (Indebted #3) 

Third Debt (Indebted #4)

PREORDER Fourth Debt (Indebted #5) NOW

About the Author:

Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex. 
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends. 

Her Dark Erotica books include:
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)

Her Grey Romance books include:

STALK Pepper: Website | Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter | Blog | Goodreads 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

NEW RELEASE SALE & GIVEAWAY - Monsters in The Dark Box Set is ONLY $0.99!

Dark romance/erotica lovers you need to one click this three-book set. Monsters in the Dark by Pepper Winters. This series is really dark and twisted. Enter Pepper's book & sway giveaway below.


Have you met Q Mercer?!
Monsters in The Dark Box Set is ONLY $0.99!

Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
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Google Play:



From New York Times Bestseller Pepper Winters comes the highly acclaimed USA Today Bestselling Series: Monsters in the Dark.
#1 Erotica, #1 Romantic Suspense, #1 Thriller. Award winner for Best Dark Romance, Best BDSM, Best Dark Hero, and Best Strong Heroine.

This is a story of eroticism, horror, tragedy and ultimately undying and unwavering love.

Included in the following edition are: 
"My life was complete. Happy, content, everything neat and perfect.
Then it all changed.
I was sold."
Kidnapped. Drugged. Stolen. Tess is forced into a world full of darkness and terror.

"All my life, I battled with the knowledge I was twisted... fucked up to want something so deliciously dark. But then slave fifty-eight entered my world. "
Q may be a monster, but he's Tess's monster.

"After battling through hell, I brought my esclave back from the brink of ruin. I sacrificed everything--my heart, my mind, my very desires to bring her back to life."
Q gave everything to bring Tess back. In return, he expects nothing less.

**Not recommended if you don't enjoy dark romance, angst-filled plots, and BDSM.**


Three little words.
If anyone asked what I was most afraid of, what terrified me, stole my breath, and made my life flicker before my eyes, I would say three little words.
How could my perfect life plummet so far into hell?
How could my love for Brax twist so far into unfixable?
The black musty hood over my head suffocated my thoughts, and I sat with hands bound behind my back. Twine rubbed my wrists with hungry stringed teeth, ready to bleed me dry in this new existence.
The cargo door of the airplane opened and footsteps thudded toward us. My senses were dulled, muted by the black hood; my mind ran amok with terror-filled images. Would I be raped? Mutilated? Would I ever see Brax again?
Male voices argued, and someone wrenched my arm upright. I flinched, crying out, earning a fist to my belly.
Tears streamed down my face. The first tears I shed, but definitely not the last.
This was my new future.  Fate threw me to the bastards of Hades.
“That one.”
My stomach twisted, threatening to evict empty contents. Oh, God.
Three little words:
I was sold.
  Q’s face twisted; he captured my cheeks between hot hands. “What are you?” he clipped, face hard and unreadable.
The question anchored me and I looked into his pale ferocious eyes. I knew the answer he wanted. “I’m yours.”
He sucked in a heavy breath, body jerking. “Say it again, but not in English.”
Q intoxicated me. My lips parted, and I wanted to stay captured by him, forever. An ancient connection linked us together. I looked into his soul—it churned with agony and demons, but he wasn’t evil.
Q dropped his gaze to my lips. “Je suis à toi.” Something feral heated his features; he pressed his mouth against mine in one fast kiss. “It means, I am yours.”
My breath stuttered as power sliced, deep and fast, igniting broken parts of me with sparks. His allure, his power, all magnified to fist around my stomach. In the dark recess of my brain, I translated his words to him being mine. The power trip the little words gave was indescribable.
No wonder he wanted me to say it. I was drunk on them. He was mine. Mine.
What life did Q live, needing to hear such a strong affirmation? What ghosts haunted him?
Q tightened his fingers, biting into my jaw. “Say it.”
With his command, I fumbled into the victim I was, the rape survivor, the slave. The brief sense of ownership left me bereft.
Q twisted my nipple under the wet material of my bra. His cruelty reddened my skin and fight skittered into yielding. He sent me reeling into needful and damaged. I’d been so close to finding strength, but he took it away in an instant.
Fresh tears spilled as I whispered, “Je suis à toi.”
Q sighed heavily, resting his forehead on mine. “Will you run again? Will you leave the one man who wants you above all others? Leave his protection?” His voice wavered with regret, resignation, as if he expected me to run, and already suffered loneliness.
My eyes popped wide; I shook my head. “No, I won’t run again.”
He looked with half-hooded eyes. “How can you be so sure? Don’t I scare you? Repulse you?”
He never repulsed me, and fear where Q was concerned was an aphrodisiac. But I couldn’t tell him. “I will never escape. Je suis à toi.”


Author Information

Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex. 
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends. 

STALK Pepper: Website | Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter | Blog | Goodreads 

Signed copy of any of Pepper’s Books (excluding Box Set)
 2 swag packs
3 ebooks (Winner’s choice)
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