google-site-verification: googleac360fc8074aac27.html google-site-verification: google6040e131018c9d7f.html NEW RELEASE REVIEW & $25.00 GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY: Review of The Revolution (Hard to Resist #4) by S.L. Scott -
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

NEW RELEASE REVIEW & $25.00 GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY: Review of The Revolution (Hard to Resist #4) by S.L. Scott

Check out my review of The Revolution by S.L. Scott.  This new standalone rock romance will rock your world.  Also don't forget to enter for a chance to win a $25.00 gift card from author S.L. Scott.
Kindle Crack Book Reviews

My world was rock solid. 

Until I saw her.

This new stand-alone The Revolution
romance NOW LIVE & Free on Kindle Unlimited!! 


Buy Links for The Revolution (Book Four)

The Resistance (Book One) 

Review of The Revolution (Hard to Resist #4) 

The RevolutionThe Revolution by S.L. Scott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
4.5 stars
Title: The Revolution (Hard to Resist #4)
Author: S.L. Scott
Release Date: October 23, 2016
No cliffhanger/Standalone

The rock stars in the Hard to Resist series are just that…irresistible. Kaz is a sweet and sexy guitarist in The Resistance. He is hiding in plain site from the past he wants to forget. Kaz has always wanted to hook up with Kara, a friend of one of his bandmates girlfriends. Life gets complicated when Kara’s ex-boyfriend doesn’t want to let her go. Will this new relationship survive secrets and complications?

This fast-paced romance can be read as a standalone or perfect for “groupies” of this delicious rock romance series. I really enjoyed this one! The Revolution is one-click worthy.

This review appears on,, Goodreads, Amazon, Pinterest, Google+ and Twitter. A review copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Kindle Crack Book Reviews

My world was rock solid.

Until I saw her.

Lara Kessler showed up as if heaven sent her to me, and suddenly my priorities changed. Love is funny like that. One minute you’re living the dream, then BAM! Half my soul shows up backstage wearing a purple shirt and sexy skin-tight jeans, making me realize what I’ve been missing all along. Loving her means exposing a life I’ve tried to bury.

My heart had lost its beat.

Until I saw him.

Kaz Fabian caught my attention the moment I laid eyes on him. Love is funny like that. The famous guitarist was every woman’s fantasy—great face, chiseled jaw, cut biceps. The rock star was pure sex on and off stage, but his charm and charisma won me over. Loving him means burdening him with a life I’ve tried to leave behind.

With her future dim and his past in the spotlight, can they overcome their fate or will they just be another tragic love story?


The woman I’ve fantasized about is finally in my bed. The one who’s starred in my dreams and I’ve imagined when fucking others. She’s here, lying next to me and I can’t sleep.
My chest hurts while watching her. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and equally the most fascinating. She teases and jokes, flirts… and she trusts me. She trusts me with her life. That’s what brought her here tonight. I would do anything for her and she knows it.
I sit up and scrub my hands over the way-too-long scruff that covers my face. She stirs beside me, making me want to stay. I really should, but I just can’t stay here any longer…
A promise is a promise and all that. But some promises are worth breaking. This is one of them.

Meet S.L. Scott
Kindle Crack Book Reviews

New York Times and USA Bestselling Author, S. L. Scott, was always interested in the arts. She grew up painting, writing poetry and short stories, and willing her days away lost in a good book and the movies.

With a degree in Journalism, she continued her love of the written word by reading American authors like Salinger and Fitzgerald. She was intrigued by their flawed characters living in picture perfect worlds, but could still debate that the world those characters lived in were actually the flawed ones. This dynamic of leaving the reader invested in the words, inspired Scott to start writing with emotion while interjecting an underlying passion into her own stories.

Living in the capital of Texas with her family, Scott loves traveling and avocados, beaches, and cooking with her kids. She's obsessed with epic romances and loves a good plot twist. She dreams of seeing one of her own books made into a movie one day as well as returning to Europe. Her favorite color is blue, but she likens it more toward the sky than the emotion. Her home is filled with the welcoming symbol of the pineapple and finds surfing a challenge though she likes to think she's a pro.

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