google-site-verification: googleac360fc8074aac27.html google-site-verification: google6040e131018c9d7f.html Review of Pulse (Collide #2) by Gail McHugh -
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Review of Pulse (Collide #2) by Gail McHugh

Pulse (Collide, #2)Pulse by Gail McHugh

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dear Goodreads,

Can you please increase the number of stars in your rating system? I know I am not the only reader on here that would like to be able to give certain books 10+ stars. So when I sit down to write a review of Gail McHugh’s second book Pulse (Collide #2), I would like to be able to show my love for this book and its writer. I don’t know if my review writing skills could do this book justice...but adding extra stars would help. I’m sure you guys at Goodreads are real busy but can you add them to my review? Seriously, Pulse might be one of the best books I have read all year!

Thank you for your help in this matter.

Cheri or

PS – Could you also offer had a book hangover rating? Or how about a time stamp function to show what time readers were up to in the middle of the night because a book was SO DAM GOOD.

PPS – Can you require authors to warn readers about the dangers of cooking and reading a book like Pulse? I had a minor fire while cooking dinner last night. I got so into this book that my BBQ and my dinner went up in flames. I’m lucky I have a Pulse since Gail McHugh almost made me have a heart attack while reading this book.

Review appears on , Goodreads, Amazon,, and Twitter.

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